【轉知】德國達姆斯塔特應用科大 (Hochschule Darmstadt) 冬季課程說明會


德國達姆斯塔特應用科大 (Hochschule Darmstadt) 於114年1月2日至1月23日寒假課程將開設以下兩類課程:


  1. International Marketing and Sales
  2. Digital Transformation and Intercultural Communication: The transformative power of digital communication in and on culture



a couple of info sessions to talk about the program:

  •  https://h-da-de.zoom.us/j/93627961301 
  • Friday, August 02 at 1pm Central European Time
  • Tuesday, September 03 at 10am and 4pm Central European Time
  • Friday, September 13 at 7am Central European Time