歐洲 > 荷蘭


荷蘭王國 Kingdom of the Netherlands




++以下資訊供參考, 各校當期申請資格限制依各校網站公告為準++

++The information is for reference only. Applicants shall check partner university's website for detailed requirements ++



University Name




Number of Students

Eindhoven University of Technology

  1. 大二以上大學生及研究生。
    Limited to sophomore students or above.
  2. 申請者須檢附英語檢定TOEFL iBT 90分(聽說讀寫皆須達21分) / IELTS (academic version) 6.5分 (聽說讀寫皆須達6分) 以上之成績。
    Applicants should have a TOEFL score of iBT 90 with a minimum score of 21 for each section / IELTS 6.5 with a minimum score of 6.0 for each section.
  3. 不得跨領域申請。
    Students need to focus in one major Faculties/School/Department.
  4.  Architecture, Urbanism and Building Sciences (AUBS)不收學士生。
共 11 名
University of Groningen

  1. 限本校大三以上工程學院及電資學院大學生或研究生申請。
    Limited to junior students or above from College of Engineering and College of Electrical Engineering & Computer Science.
  2. 限申請該校Faculty of Science and Engineering。
    Students can only apply to Faculty of Science and Engineering.
  3. 申請人須檢附英語檢定托福iBT 92分以上(聽說讀寫皆須達21分), 或雅思總分6.5分以上(聽說讀寫接須達6.0) 之成績證明,不接受多益成績。
    Applicants should have a TOEFL score of iBT 92 with a minimum score of 21 for each section / IELTS at least 6.5 with a minimum of 6.0 for each section. TOEIC score will not be acceptable.
  4. 跨領域課程有限。
    Students can take course from other department, but a limited amount and depending on which faculty and if the courses are open for exchange studentsneed.
  5. 實驗室研究機會請查詢:https://www.rug.nl/research/fse/
2 名
Erasmus University College,
Erasmus University Rotterdam


  1. 限大三以上大學部學生申請。
    Limited to junior and senior students in bachelor degree.
  2. 申請人須檢附英語檢定TOEFL iBT100 分以上(各項成績需20以上), 或IELTS 7.0分以上(各項成績需6.0以上) 之成績證明,不接受多益成績。
    Applicants should have a TOEFL score of iBT 100 with a minimum score of 20 for each section / IELTS at least 7.0 with a minimum of 6.0 for each section.TOEIC score will not be acceptable.
2 名
Maastricht University,
School of Business and Economics
  1. 限管院研究生申請, 且大學學位須為經濟學士/商學學士/管理學學士。
    Limited to graduate students from College of Business. Applicants must have a valid bachelor’s degree in Economics or Business Administration.
  2. 須有托福TOEFL iBT 72分以上、雅思IELTS 5.5以上,多益785 以上成績
    Applicants shall reach the English level as TOEFL iBT 72, IELTS 5.5, or TOEIC 785 or above. 
  3. 住宿應由交換學生自行處理,學校不提供宿舍也代為安排住處,請及早尋覓租屋處。未找到住處前請勿出發 Student housing in the Netherlands is not arranged by the university. Finding a room is the students own responsibility. In Maastricht there is a shortage of student housing! Finding a suitable place to stay can be difficult and time consuming. Therefore, students should arrange housing as soon as possible to ensure that they do not run into housing issues once their exchange has started.
  4. 課程資訊可查詢交換生課程系統 Students can find all the information they need about SBE’s bachelor’s and master’s courses:https://code.unimaas.nl/Code/Selection?intCalendarID=31&intBAMA=3&intFacultyID=26
2 名
Hanze University of Applied Sciences,  Groningen

  1. 限本校大二以上工程、電資及應科學院大學部學生。
    Limited to Sophomore students or above from College of Engineering, College fo Eletrical Engineering and Computer Science and College of Applied Sciences. Undergraduate students only.
  2. 須有托福TOEFL iBT 72分以上、雅思IELTS 5.5以上、或多益785以上成績。
    Applicants should reach English language level as TOEFL iBT 72, IELTS 5.5, or TOEIC 785 and above.
  3. 限申請該校Institute of Engineering,選讀交換生套裝課程。
    Students can only apply to Institute of Engineering.We offer fixed semester programmes
2 名