歐洲 > 奧地利


奧地利共和國 Republic of Austria




++以下資訊供參考, 各校當期申請資格限制依各校網站公告為準++

++The information is for reference only. Applicants shall check partner university's website for detailed requirements ++


University Name




Number of Students

Graz University of Technology

  1. 大二以上大學生及研究生。
    Limited to sophomore students or above.
  2. 申請者須具備兩年內托福IBT 75分 / 雅思6.0/多益聽讀785+說寫310分/ Duolingo 95 以上之成績證明。
    Applicants shall submit an English language certificate of TOEFL iBT 75, IELTS 6.0/ TOEIC Reading and Listening 785 Speaking and Writing 310/ Duolingo 95 or above within the past two years.
  3. 如課程為德文授課,須具備德語CEFR B2以上等級
    CEFR B2 or above if the course you choose is taught in German.
3 名
Johannes Kepler University Linz

  1. 大二以上大學生及研究生。
    Limited to sophomore students or above.
  2. 須有托福TOEFL iBT 80分以上、雅思IELTS 6.5以上成績,不接受多益成績。
    Applicants shall submit an English language certificate of TOEFL iBT 80, IELTS 6.5 or above. TOEIC score will not be accepted.
2 名
University of Applied Science Upper Austria

  1. 大二以上大學生及研究生。
    Limited to sophomore students or above.
  2. 須有托福TOEFL iBT 78分以上、雅思IELTS 6.0或多益785分以上。
    Applicants shall submit an English language certificate of TOEFL iBT 78, IELTS 6.0 or above.
  3. 不接受跨領域申請。student cannot change study field at host university.
1 名

Vorarlberg University of Applied Sciences

(FH Vorarlberg)

  1. 大二以上大學生。
    Limited to sophomore students.
  2. 是否接受交換生以姐妹校審查為準。FH Vorarlberg has the final right for receiving applicants.
  3. 須有托福TOEFL iBT 72分以上、雅思IELTS 5.5以上、多益785分以上成績。
    Applicants shall submit an English language certificate of TOEFL iBT 72, IELTS 5.5, TOEIC 785 or above.
2 名

Management Center Innsbruck

(Die Unternehmerische Hochschule)

  1. 大二以上大學生及研究生。
    Sophomore students or above and Graduate students.
  2. 須有托福TOEFL iBT 85分以上(聽說讀寫皆須達20分)、雅思IELTS 6.0以上,不接受多益成績。
    Applicants shall submit an English language certificate of TOEFL iBT 85 with a minimum score of 20 for each section, IELTS 6.0 or above. TOEIC score will not be acceptable.
  3. 不接受跨領域申請。
    Student cannot change study field at host university.
3 名

University of Applied Sciences Technikum Wien

(Fachhochschule Technikum Wien)

(FH Technikum Wien)

  1. 限本校自控所、機械系、材料、電機、資工、資管系所大二以上大學生及研究生,交換至該校下列系所:NTUST students from Automation and Control, Mechanical Engineering, Materials Science and Engineering, Electronic and Computer Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Computer Science and Information Engineering,  Information Management, could apply for exchange in the following departments at FH Technikum Wien:

Faculty of Information Technologies & Business Solutions

- Computer Science
- Information Systems Management
- Information Engineering & Security
Faculty of Engineering & Environmental Technologies
- Advanced Engineering Technologies
Faculty of Communication Technologies & Electronic Engineering
- Electronic Engineering
- Telecommunications and Internet Technologies

   2.須有托福TOEFL iBT 70分以上、雅思IELTS 6.0以上、多益700分以上成績。Applicants shall submit an English language certificate of TOEFL iBT 70, IELTS 6.0, TOEIC 700 or above.

3.可跨領域選課Students can take courses in multiple faculties

2 名

Kufstein Tirol University of Applied Sciences

(Fachhochschule Kufstein Tirol)

  1. 大二以上大學生。
    Limited to sophomore students or above in bachelor's degree.
  2. 須有托福TOEFL iBT 72分以上 / 雅思IELTS 5.5以上 / 多益785分以上英文成績。
    Applicants shall submit an English language certificate of TOEFL iBT 72, IELTS 5.5, TOEIC 785 or above.
3 名