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日本 Japan




++以下資訊供參考, 各校當期申請資格限制依各校網站公告為準++

++The information is for reference only. Applicants shall check partner university's website for detailed requirements ++


University Name




Number of Students

University of Fukui


  1. 限工程學院大二以上大學生及碩士生申請。
    Limited to sophomore or above and master students under Engineering.
  2. 該校分Program A(英語授課)及Program B(日語授課),選擇Program A者須達TOEFL iBT 61, IELTS 4.5, or TOEIC 600 (含)以上英文成績。選擇Program B 者日檢至少需達N2以上。Two types of student exchange programs are provided:Program A offers courses in English. Applicants should submit an English certificate of TOEFL iBT 61 /IELTS 4.5 / TOEIC 600 or above. Program B offers courses in Japanese. Applicants should submit a Japanese certificate of N2 or above.
  3. 可跨領域選課。 Students can take courses in multiple faculties.
3 名

University of the Ryukyus 

學校簡介 About the University

  1. 大二以上大學生或碩士生 Sophomore or above and master students.
  2. 日文授課為主,選修專業課程須具備日文N2或以上程度。JLPT N2 or above is required for taking courses. 
  3. 可跨領域選課。Students can take courses in multiple faculties

5 名


Kyushu Institute of Technology 




  1. 工程、電資、應科學院大二以上大學生或碩士生,不接受跨領域申請。 Sophomore or above and master students under College of Engineering, College of Computer Science and Informatics, and College of Applied Sciences. Students must study in only one faculty.
  2. 大學部為全日語授課,建議申請者須具備日文檢定N1以上能力。 Courses are all taught in Japanese. Applicants are recommended to submit a Japanese certificate of N1 or above.
  3. 姐妹校審查文件需先寄電子檔,再寄紙本給姐妹校核對。Student should send e-file application first, then send hardcopy to KyuTech.
5 名
Kanagawa University 
  1. 限設計學院大二以上大學部學生 Limited to undergraduate students, sophomore or above from College of Design.
  2. 該校以日語授課為主, 申請者須具備日文檢定N2級以上能力。Almost all courses are taught in Japanese. Applicant should submit a Japanese certificate of N2 or above.
2 名
Tokushima University
  1. 限工程學院及電資學院大二以上大學部或碩士生,不接受跨領域申請 Limited to sophomore or above and master students from School of Engineering or School of Electrical Engineering & Computer Science. Students cannot change their study field at the host university.
  2. 以日語授課為主, 申請者須具備日文檢定N2以上能力 Almost all courses are taught in Japanese. Applicants should submit a Japanese certificate of N2 or above. 
3 名

Shibaura Institute of Technology 


  1. 大二以上大學部或碩士生 Sophomore or above and master students.
  2. 申請者須具備托福TOEFL iBT 72分, 雅思 IELTS 5.5,或多益 TOEIC 785(含)以上英語能力證明。Applicants should submit an English certificate of TOEFL IBT 72, IELTS 5.5, or TOEIC 785 or above.
  3. 可跨領域選課 Can study in multiple faculties.
  4. 選修日語授課課程者,須具備日檢N2以上能力。Applicants should submit a Japanese certificate of N2 or above when taking courses taught in Japanese.
  5. 另提供實驗室研習機會,可參考底下網頁 Lab Internship is available, check :https://www.shibaura-it.ac.jp/en/academics/

2 名

Kochi University of Technology


  1. 大二以上大學生或碩士生,可跨領域選課。 Sophomore or above and master students. Students can take courses in multiple faculties
  2. 選擇日語授課課程者,須具備日文檢定N2以上能力。J2 or above is required  if you want to take our courses offered in Japanese. 
  3. 該校英語授課課程有限,若欲選修英語授課課程並申請臺科交換生獎學金者,敬請留意。
  4. 除交換外也提供實驗室研究機會,請在出發前至少6個月提出申請。參考網頁: If students like to apply as Special Research Students, application must be done no later than 6 month prior to the date of starting research at KUT. Please refer to the following link: https://www.kochi-tech.ac.jp/english/admission/non_degree/list-of-the-laboratories-for-special-research-students-from-partner-universities.html
6 名

Kyoto Institute of Technology


  1. 大二以上大學生或碩士生,可跨領域選課。 Sophomore or above and master students. Students can take courses in multiple faculties
  2. 大學部課程為全日語授課, 需修課取得學分者,須具備日檢N2(或以上)能力。All courses are taught in Japanese. Applicants are required to have a Japanese certificate of N2 or above, if they need course credits.
  3. 不修課或申請實驗室研究之學生須具備英文(托福87、雅思5.5或多益785以上)或日檢N2以上成績。Undergraduate students or graduate students required either English (TOEFL iBT87, IELTS 5.5 or TOEIC 785 and above) certificate, or Japanese at least N2 certificate.
  4. 強烈建議碩、博士生申請實驗室研究。We strongly recommend master’s and doctoral students be affiliated with a KIT laboratory and conduct research.
2 名
Yamagata University
  1. 大二以上大學生或碩士生。當學期畢業學生不得申請。 Sophomore or above and master students. Students who will graduate from their home university during the period of their intended study at Yamagata, may not apply.
  2. 多數專業課程皆為日語授課,申請人需具備日文檢定N2以上能力 Student have to reach Japanese level N2 of JLPT to take course taught in Japanese.
  3. 若日語程度未達N2,且母語非英語者,須繳交英文檢定證明。 If JLPT level N2 has not been attained, and the applicant is not a native English speaker, a copy of a certificate of an English language test, such as TOEIC, IELTS or TOEFL iBT, must also be submitted.
2 名

Shizuoka University

  1. 大二以上大學生或碩士生,可跨領域選課。 Sophomore or abobe and master students. Students can take courses in multiple faculties.
  2. 大學部以日文授課為主,需具備日文檢定N2以上能力。Almost all  courses are taught in Japanese, applicants should submit a Japanese certificate of N2 or above.

2 名

University of TsukubaCollege of design 


  1. 限設計系大二以上或碩士生申請,可跨領域選課。 Sophomore or above and master students from College of Design. Students can take courses in multiple faculties.
  2. 須有相當於托福TOEFL iBT 79分或雅思IELTS 6.0 以上成績。 Applicants should submit an English certificate equvelent of TOEFL IBT 79 or IELTS 6.0 or above.
  3. 課程多為日語授課,選課者至少需具備日文N2證書。Most of the courses are taught in Japanese. Students are required to have JLPT N2 certificate if they want to take courses in Japanese. 
  4. 交換生一週須至少修課600分鐘。Exchange students are required to attend 10 houres of courses per week.  
1 名
Kyushu University 

  1. 大二以上大學生或碩士生,不可跨領域選課。  Sophomore or above and master students. Students cannot change their study field at the host university.
  2. 選擇日語授課課程者,須具備日文檢定N2以上。Japanese certificate of N2 is needed if the Japanese taught courses are chosen. 
  3. 選讀英語授課課程者,須有托福TOEFL iBT 79分、雅思IELTS 6.0 以上之成績,不接受多益成績。English certificate of TOEFL iBT 79、IELTS 6.0 and above is needed if the English taught courses are chosen. TOEIC is not acceptable. 
  4. 大學部與研究所不可上修或下修。Applicants can only take courses in their levels.
  5. 部分科系僅提供少數英文授課課程,請於申請前確認有足夠的英文授課課程可選修。There are courses conducted in English. Please check if there are enough English courses to take before application since there are no or very limited number of courses in some study fields.Courses are available in English→ http://www.isc.kyushu-u.ac.jp/intlweb/en/student/english
  6. 商學院課程僅提供給商學院交換生選修,商學院交換生僅可於秋季學期入學。Courses offered by Kyushu University Business School (QBS) are open only to exchange students who are enrolled in Business School. Exchange program only offered in Fall/Winter Semester.
  7. 設計學院交換生每年2名。2 position is offered for students major in Design.
  8. 另提供科學、數學、生命科學領域之實驗室研究,請參考簡章
5 名

Waseda Business School (WBS) 
Graduate School of Business and Finance


  1. 限管理學院碩士生申請,可跨領域選課 Limited to master students from School of Management. Students can take courses in multiple faculties.
  2. 申請人毋須繳交英檢成績,但需具備相當於托福iBT72、雅思5.5程度,以理解授課內容或參加考試 Students is not required to submit English Language Certificate, but is strongly recommended to have English proficiency equal to TOEFL iBT 72 or IELTS 5.5 and above.
2 名

Hokkaido University,
Graduate School and School of Engineering 


  1. 限工程學院大二以上大學部或碩士生申請。
    Sophomore or above and master students from college of Engineering can apply.
  2. 申請人僅能交換至跟臺科主修相同系所。Students can only apply for the same major as their host university (Taiwan Tech)
  3. 大學部為全日文授課,大學部學生須具備日文檢定N2以上能力。研究所提供部分英語授課課程。申請者須具備TOEFL IBT 65/ TOEIC 650/ IELTS 5.5 能力。 Undergraduate courses are mainly taught in Japanes. Students are required to have Japanese N2 or above to take these courses. Graduate School offer some courses taught in English. Students should submit certificate of TOEFL IBT 65/ TOEIC 650/ IELTS 5.5 or above.
  4. 該校另有日本文化語言學程,為全英文授課,申請者須具備托福79分或雅思6.5以上,不接受多益或Duolingo 成績。GPA須達3.25或以上。There is "Hokkaido University Short-Term Exchange Program" (HUSTEP) that taught maily in English. Applicants should submit TOEFL 79, IELTS 6.5 or above certificate. TOEIC and Duolingo scores are not accepted. https://www.global.hokudai.ac.jp/admissions/exchange-student-admissions/exchange-programs-in-english-hustep/



Nagoya University of Commerce and Business (NUCB) 


  1. 限管理學院大二、大三學生。不接受跨領域申請。 Only Only Sophomore or 3rd year students from undergraduate program at Management are accepted. Students cannot change study field at host university.
  2. 申請者須具備 TOEFL iBT 80 或 IELTS 6.0 (聽說讀寫各項皆須達到5.5)以上。
    Applicants should submit an English certificate of TOEFL iBT 80 or IELTS 6.0 (with a min. of 5.5 in all four components) or above.
2 名

Yokohama City University 


  1. 大二以上大學部學生,限選修以下學系之大學部課程。 
    Sophomore and above.  Students can only take courses under the bachelor level of listed departments: 

    School of International Liberal Arts

    School of Economics and Business Administration

    School of Science

    School of Data Science

  2. 申請者須具備 TOEFL iBT 61、IELTS 5.5或多益700分(含)以上英文能力,日文檢定N2級以上能力。 Applicants should submit an English certificate equivalent to TOEFL iBT 61, IELTS 5.5, TOEIC 700 and Japanese certificate of N2 or above.

Kobe University 


  1. 限設計學院大二(含)以上大學生及碩士生申請交換至對方工程學院。可跨領域選課。Limitted to Sophomore or above and master students from College of Design exchange to College of Engineering. Students can take courses of different department.
  2. 研究生須具備TOEFL iBT 50, IELTS 4.5,TOEIC 600 (含)以上證明,或日語檢定N2 (含)以上證明。建築系申請人須同時具備英檢及日檢證明並繳交作品集。Applicants for graduate schools should provide an English certificate equivalent to TOEFL iBT 50, IELTS 4.5, TOEIC 600 and above, or certificate of Japanese Language N2 level or above. Department of Architecture applicants should submit both certificate of Japanese and English Language proficiency, also their portfolio.
  3. 大學部學生須提供日語檢定N2級(含)以上證明。 Students in the undergraduate level should provide a Japanese Language Certificate of N2 level or above.

2 名

Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Tecnology (JAIST)


         1. 大二以上大學部學生或研究生。

Sophomore students and above.

2. 可跨領域選課。Students can take courses in multiple faculties.       

2 名

Nara Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (NAIST)


1. 大四以上或碩士生。4th year bachelor student or master students.

2. 該校為研究型大學,交換以前往實驗室研究為主。科系僅有資訊科學、生物科學、材料科學系共三個學系,但若申請人找到相同領域的實驗室亦可申請前往。We have three divisions: "Information Science," " Biological Science," and "Material Science". If there is a laboratory that matches the student's field of expertise, it can be accepted.

3.不可跨領域選課。Students can only take courses under assigned Faculties/School/Department

2 名

Osaka University


1.限本校工程、電資、應科學院學生交換去對方工程研究所。Limitted to the 3rd and the 4th year undergraduate students or graduate students from the following Colleges can apply: Engineering, Electrial Engineering, Applied Sciences. Exchage to Graduate Institute of Engineering at Osaka U. 

2.須具備效期內英檢證書,含托福 iBT 80/雅思 6.0 (含)以上

Required language ability:submission of any one of the following is required: TOEFL iBT 80 / IELTS 6.0 or higher/ Cambridge English with CEFR B2 level or higher


Ryukoku University


1. 交換生依日語程度可選擇5種不同內容的課程,請參考申請簡章

There are 5 programs provided for International Exchange Students. Refer to the Fact Sheet for details. Students can apply the program according to the level of Japanese language.  

2 名