亞洲 > 馬來西亞


馬來西亞 Malaysia




++以下資訊供參考, 各校當期申請資格限制依各校網站公告為準++

++The information is for reference only. Applicants shall check partner university's website for detailed requirements ++


University Name




Number of Students


University of Technology, Malaysia

(Universiti Teknologi Malaysia)



  1. 限大二以上大學部學生申請  Sophomore students or above under bachelor program.
  2. 申請人不得跨領域選課 Students must study subjects in one faculty.
  3. 該校另提供實驗室研究機會,請參考 For research internship opportunity, please check the website as:https://international.utm.my/research-internship/
5 名

University of Malaya


  1. 大二以上大學生及研究生  Sophomore or above and master students. 
  2. 申請Faculty of Business & Accountancy 需具備英文檢定雅思 6.0、托福 iBT 80,或多益 693以上。
    Students applying for Faculty of Business & Accountancy (FBA) must acquire English proficiency:  IELTS (Academic) Band 6.0/TOEFL iBT 80/ TOEIC 693 or above.
0 名

University Sains Malaysia


  1. 大二(含)以上大學生及碩士生。Sophomore or above and master students.
  2. 申請者須具備英文檢定托福 iBT 79,雅思5.0,或多益605分以上之成績證明。Applicants should provide an English language certificate of  IELT 5.0, TOEFL iBT 79, or TOEIC 605 or above.
  3. 可跨領域選課。Students can take courses in multiple faculties.
3 名