英國University of Bath Prof. J Gary Hawley 專題演講
Visiting Lecture by University of Bath, UK
主題/Topic: Driving down the carbon footprint - CO2 and cars
日期/Date: 103年11月6日 (週四) / 6 November 2014, Thursday
時間/Time: 下午1時30分 / 1:30 pm
地點/Venue: AU 視廳館 / AU Auditorium
講者/Speaker: Professor J Gary Hawley, Dean and Medlock Chair of Engineering, University of Bath, UK
報名網址/Registration: http://www.oia.ntust.edu.tw/files/87-1017-337.php
本案聯絡人/Contact: 國際事務處 王小姐/ Mrs. Wang, OIA shwang@mail.ntust.edu.tw
Abstract. In 2000 cars accounted for 7% of all global CO2 emissions and this figure continues to rise. Accepting that climate change is with us, reducing the carbon foot of our ‘personal’ transport to acceptable levels is a major challenge. A number of searching issues will be addressed including the use of biofuels, are they part of the solution or are they part of the problem. Will electric vehicles ever become a substitute for current petroleum fuelled transport and are we ever likely to see hydrogen emerge as a dominant energy vector. What are the emerging technologies that will impact on cost effective low carbon vehicles and can technology deliver the savings required. The lecture will raise awareness of the carbon footprint of our cars and what the future technology and societal challenges are to drive it down. It will also be an opportunity to consider the wider sustainability of our personal transport.
Professor Gary Hawley is the Dean of the Faculty of Engineering & Design at the University of Bath, he also holds the prestigious Medlock Chair of Engineering in recognition of,“excellent academic research and its application to industry”.
He has published over 160 papers on various aspects of diesel engineering, low carbon and fuel efficient automotive engines and the use of bio-fuels on the effect of engine performance and durability. He has an extensive record of successful engagement with the automotive industry leading numerous projects in collaboration with the Ford Motor Company and BP. Inthe 15 years that he has been at Bath, he has secured over £15 M to fund his own research. He is a member of the All Party Parliamentary Low Carbon Transport Group and an International Scientific Advisor to the Canadian Government. He joined the academic staff in the department of Mechanical Engineering at the University of Bath in 1995 after careers with both the National Coal Board and the Royal Navy.