亞洲 > 印尼


印尼 Indonesia




++以下資訊供參考, 各校當期申請資格限制依各校網站公告為準++

++The information is for reference only. Applicants shall check partner university's website for detailed requirements ++


University Name




Number of Students

Bandung Institute of Technology-
School of Business and Management 
  1. 大二以上管院大學部學生及研究生  Sophomore students or above in college of management.
  2. 英語能力需達TOEFL 72分(含) / IELTS 5.5分(含) / TOEIC 785分(含)以上  Applicants should have the equivalent to IELT 5.5 / TOEFL iBT 72 / TOEIC 785 or above.
0 名
Widya Mandala Catholic University Surabaya  韋迪亞曼達拉大學
  1. 限大二以上大學部學生申請。可跨領域選課。
    Sophomore or above (Bachelor degree students only). Students can take courses in multiple faculties.
  2. 英語能力需達托福 iBT 78、雅思 6.0 或以上。
    Applicants should have the equivalent to TOEFL score of iBT 78, IELTS 6.0 or above.
  3. 需進行線上面試。 An online interview is required.
3 名

Petra Christian University (PCU)


  1. 限大二以上大學部學生,可跨領域選課。Sophomore students or above (Bachelor degree students only). Students can take courses in multiple faculties.

  2. 英語能力需達托福 iBT 61分、雅思 IELTS 6.0,或多益 TOEIC 575分(含)以上。Applicants should have the equivalent to TOEFL iBT 61, IELTS 6.0, or TOEIC 575 or above.

2 名

Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS)


  1. 大二以上大學生及碩士生  Sophomore or above and master students.
  2. 英語能力需達TOEFL 64分、 IELTS 5.5分,或TOEIC 700(含)以上  Applicants should have the certificate to equivalent to IELTS 5.5 / TOEFL iBT 64 / TOEIC 700 or above.
  3. 欲申請實驗室研究者,請參考:3. For students interested in Lab Internship, check: https://www.its.ac.id/international/experiencing-its/prospective-student/admission/internship/
8 名

University of Surabaya (UBAYA)


  1. 限大二以上大學部學生申請 Sophomore students or above (Bachelor degree students only)
  2. 須有托福TOEFL iBT 60分以上、雅思IELTS 5.5 以上成績。
    Applicants shall submit a TOEFL score of IBT 60, IELTS 5.5 or above.
5 名
Universitas Atma Jaya Yogyakarta (YAJY), Department of Civil Engineering
  1. 限營建系大二以上大學生及研究生  
    Limited to students of Department of Civil and Construction Engineering
  2. 英語能力需達TOEFL 79分(含) / IELTS 6.0分(含)以上(聽說讀寫皆須達5.5)  Applicants should have the equivalent to TOEFL iBT 79 / IELT 6.0 with a minimum of 5.5 for each section.
  3. GPA須達2.44。Required GPA 2.44
0 名

Universitas Pertamina,


  1. 限工程、應科、人社學院大二以上大學部學生申請。
    Limited to sophomore students or above of Department of Civil and Construction Engineering (Bachelor degree students only).
  2. 申請者須具備英語檢定成績同等托福iBT 65 / 雅思5.0 / 多益650分(含)以上證明。
    Applicants shall submit an English language certificate equivalent to TOEFL iBT 65 / IELTS 5.0 / TOEIC 650 or above.
  3. 該校接受實驗室研習,可參考https://universitaspertamina.ac.id/
15 名
UNIVERSITAS NEGERI YOGYAKARTA (UNY), Department of Civil and Construction Engineering
  1. 限營建工程系大二以上大學生申請。Sophomore students or above of the Department of Civil and Construction Engineering (Bachelor degree students only).
  2. GPA最低3。GPA min 3
  3. 托福475分以上。TOEFL score 475 or equivalent
  4. 繳交最少300字動機說明。Motivation Letter, min 300 words
  5. 履歷表。Curriculum vitae
0 名
Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta, Department of Automotive Engineering Education and Department of Mechanical Engineering Education 
  1. 限電動車相關或機械工程系大二以上大學生及研究生申請。Sophomore students or above of the Department of Mechanical Engineering or Department of Automotive Engineering Education.
  2. 申請者須具備英語檢定成績同等CEFR歐洲語言能力共同參考指標B1(含)以上證明。Applicants shall submit an English language certificate equivalent to CEFR B1 level or above.

0 名

Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM)


1.限大學部學生申請 Sophomore students or avove, undergraduate only.

2. 英檢需達托福iBT70、雅思5.5、多益780分或以上 Should have test result of TOEFL iBT 70; IELTS 5.5; TOEIC 780 or above.

3. 可跨領域選課 Students can take courses in multiple faculties.

4 名

Binus University



1.大學部或研究生,應在本校就讀3學期以上始能申請。Undergraduate or graduate students who already study 3 semester at home university.

2.英檢應達托福 iBT 79 或 雅思學術類 6.0 以上,不接受多益成績。Academic IELTS,  overall score 6.00 or above; or TOEFL iBT 79. TOEIC is not accepted.  An official statement from the home university confirms that the medium of instruction is fully in English is also accepted.

3. 母語非華語者,華語文能力測驗TOCFL應達A2 級(含)以上。TOCFL A2 and above is required if students' mother language is not Chinese.

3. 可跨領域選課 Students can take courses in multiple faculties.

4.學生須支付電子簽證申請費給學校。E-visa fee is required to pay to BINUS.

4 名