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【Forwarded Message】E.SUN Bank ASEAN Scholarship

E.SUN Bank ASEAN Scholarship

  • Purpose

The E.SUN Volunteer & Social welfare Foundation (hereinafter referred to as the Foundation) promotes talent exchanges with ASEAN countries and encourages outstanding ASEAN students to come to Taiwan to study. With the purpose of cultivating outstanding talents of ASEAN with international professionalism and competence, the Foundation specially set up the E.SUN Bank ASEAN Scholarship.

  • Application eligibility and partner schools

1. Eligibility: An applicant who holds a citizenship of Cambodia, Vietnam, Myanmar, Thailand and Malaysia applies for a master's degree and has admitted to a partner school may apply.

2. Partner schools: National Taiwan University, National Chengchi University, National Tsinghua University, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University, National Cheng Kung University, National Sun Yat-Sen University, National Central University, National Chung Hsing University, National Chung Cheng University, National Taipei University, National Taiwan Normal University, and National Taiwan University of Science and Technology.

  • Scholarship amount and quota

1. Awardee receives total NTD 100,000 for one academic year, distributed in two semesters.

2. The number of scholarship awardees shall decide and allocated by the Selection Committee.

  • Application period

The application period is from August 1 to September 15 each year. The foundation will approve the list of awardees before the end of October each year.

  • Application method

Applicants can fill in an application form online on Foundation’s website, and submit following supplementary documents below:


1. Admission letter or Enrollment certificate

1) Admitted Graduate Students: Admission letter and transcript

2) Current Graduate Students: Enrollment certificate and previous academic years’ transcript

2. Photocopy of passport or residence permit

3. Language proficiency test scores (Both Chinese and English)

4. Other supplementary documents: such as outstanding performance certificates, etc.

  • Selection procedure

1. The Foundation sets up a Selection Committee to perform the application reviewing in a fair and cautious manner.
2. Selection timeline:

1) Application submission: Applicants must submit the application materials to the Foundation during the application period.
2) Reviewing: Two stage review by the Selection Committee.

  • Stage1: Application and supplementary documents review.
  • Stage2: Schedule the on-site interview (may be change to online interview if needed)

3) Approval: A final list of awardees will approved and notified by the Foundation. The awardees’ name will also published on the Foundation's website.
4) Awarding ceremony: The awardees shall attend an awarding ceremony organized by the Foundation.


  • Others

1. In order to encourage the awardees to share their learning experiences and give back to the society, the Foundation will invite the awardees to participate in various occasions of experience exchanging and E.SUN public welfare activities from time to time.
2. In the year of award, the awardees shall submit a latest enrollment certificate, a semester transcript, study reports and/or reports about participating in the activities organized by E.SUN. This is to ensure the qualification of receiving scholarship. Each semester the awardee’s academic performance should meet at least one of the following conditions:

1) Top 30% of the class results
2) GPA 3.0 or above or equivalent evaluation method
3) Other special outstanding performance approved by the Foundation

3. Current awardees may have a chance to receive scholarships again in the second academic year after reviewing by the Foundation.
4. E.SUN Bank may give priority to the awardees for internship and employment opportunities within the corporation, but reserve the rights to grant the final admission.
5. The Foundation may terminate the scholarship offering in the condition of perceiving the awardee has violated the purpose of setting up the scholarship.

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