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Application and Internal Review

Q1: When can I apply to become an exchange student?

A: Please refer to the following timeline for studying abroad as an exchange student. The exact dates will be announced in the Information Session for Exchange Student Application and the Exchange Student Application Brochure. Please pay attention to the "Hot News" section on the Office of International Affairs (OIA).

*Information Session for Exchange Student Application (held every year in June-July or December-January)

*Exchange student application: system opens in July/August (for Spring Semester study abroad) or January/February (for Fall Semester study abroad)

*Student Confirmation of host university: August or February each year

*Nomination by OIA: September-October or March-April each year

*Review by receiving(sister) universities: October-November or April-May each year

Q2: What qualifications are required to apply as an exchange student?

A: A degree student, either undergraduate students who have completed at least two years of study (including the second year) or graduate students who have completed the previous semester's coursework (excluding working students) and who have maintained their enrollment at Taiwan Tech during the exchange period are eligible to apply. Students must pass the qualification review and departmental review before being nominated by OIA to a sister university. The sister university will then review the student's application materials submitted by students themselves and issue an admission/acceptance letter if approved. Students can apply for a student visa with the admission letter. The exchange student application standards and selection criteria of each sister university can be found on the OIA website through the link below:


Q3: Where can I find the relevant information for applying as an exchange student?

A: Before the start of the exchange student application system each semester, the OIA will hold an Information Session of Exchange Student Application, and the time and location will be announced in the "Hot News" on the OIA homepage, and a notification will be sent to students' school email addresses. If the application date has not yet arrived, you can refer to the previous brochure or recording of Exchange Student Application on OIA Chinese website under "Study Abroad" - "European, American, and Asian Exchange" or "Mainland China Exchange."

Q4: Is there any Scholarship that International Students can apply to support their overseas study?

A: International Students are not allowed to apply for Taiwan Tech Outgoing Study Scholarship. But International Students are encouraged to apply for exchange student scholarship offered by a foreign country or university outside Taiwan.

Q5: I am a bachelor student and already in my fourth year. Can I apply for a deferral so that I can go abroad for an exchange program during my fifth year?

A: Fourth-year undergraduate students who have not met graduation requirements can apply for a deferral to study abroad during their fifth year, but they must pay the tuition and fees of Taiwan Tech for that year and ensure that they are still enrolled when they return to Taiwan Tech. Students who meet the graduation requirements during the exchange period are not allowed to apply for study abroad. If there are any questions regarding student status, please contact the Office of Academic Affairs.

Q6: I have met the application requirements for academic grades, but my foreign language proficiency score does not meet the standards. Can I still apply?

A: No. If the English proficiency score does not meet the requirements for the undergraduate or graduate level, the exchange student qualification review will not be passed.

Q7: My foreign language test scores have expired. Can I still use them for the application?

A: According to the official websites of TOEFL, IELTS, and TOEIC, test scores are valid for 2 years after the test date. When uploading internal review documents, please make sure the test scores are still valid.

Partner University review and admission

Q8: If the university I want to attend for exchange is not on the list of sister schools, can I ask the OIA to contact or nominate for me?

A: No. The exchange program organized by the OIA is only open to universities that have signed a student exchange agreement with Taiwan Tech. For exchange programs organized by universities that have not signed such agreement, students need to contact the university directly to apply. Some foreign universities offer exchange programs for a fee, which students may also consider. In addition, individual departments may also have their own student exchange programs with overseas universities. If students are interested in applying, they can directly contact the department office.

Q9: Do I have to meet the language proficiency standards recommended by sister universities to apply for exchange programs?

A: Yes. Language proficiency is an important factor considered by sister universities when reviewing student applications. If a student's language ability is insufficient, they may not be able to keep up with the course progress or complete exams. If a sister universities requires students to have specific language test scores, the OIA will set screening criteria in the exchange student application system based on their standards. For example, if a sister universities only recognizes TOEFL and IELTS scores, but an applicant only has TOEIC scores, they will not be able to select that university as their preference during the application process. However, if a student's TOEFL or IELTS scores are still valid when they are selected during the university's selection process, but will expire before the sister university's selection process, they can still apply to that university during the Taiwan Tech selection process. Whether the sister university accepts expired TOEFL or IELTS scores will depend on their standards.

Q10: Can I only apply to the same department as my major at Taiwan Tech when choosing an exchange university? Can I take courses on a cross-disciplinary base?

A: If the sister university list or exchange student application system indicates "not applicable for cross-disciplinary application," it means that you can only apply to departments that are similar or the same to your major at Taiwan Tech. If it is not specified, in principle, you can take courses other than your major. However, please note that unless the host university has specially opened English-taught courses for exchange students, the undergraduate courses of each university are taught in the local language. Please confirm whether your foreign language ability is sufficient to take courses taught in the local language. If you plan to take cross-disciplinary courses, please make sure that you have the basic knowledge of the discipline and the ability to convince the sister university that you have the ability to take cross-disciplinary courses.

Q11: Does a sister university always accept my exchange application? What reasons may lead to rejection?

A: Based on the bilateral cooperation agreement and the consideration of sister university friendship, if the academic performance and foreign language ability of the applicant meet the standard, the sister university will generally accept the application. However, the sister university still has the final right to review and may choose not to accept the recommendation from Taiwan Tech, or may choose not to accept the full quota. Based on past experience, the main reasons for applicants being rejected by sister schools are differences in the recognition of sister university standards (such as sister university accepting "other English proficiency tests" in addition to TOEFL and IELTS, but not recognizing TOEIC scores when actually submitted), too much loading of professor who is not able to receive more exchange students, or concerns that the applicant may not keep up with academic work or have a different research direction. Therefore, to increase the chances of being accepted, it is recommended that students still apply to universities and departments that meet the conditions, and always has back up plan if been rejected unfortunately.

Q12: How long does it take to know if I have been accepted by a sister university?

A: The screening of exchange students is not only carried out at our university, but also requires the sister university to conduct its internal qualification review. The sister university has its own review procedures and timeline. After the application documents of students are submitted to sister university, sometimes students will receive a quick response, but it may also take about 1 to 2 months before the result of the review is sent to students. According to our experience, early application usually result a early reponse. But still, be patient. You may follow up the progress by a polite email, and wait for one or two days for reply. 

Visa, Air Ticket, Accommodation, and Insurance

Q13: I have obtained admission to a sister university, how do I apply for a student visa?

A: Students should bring the admission/acceptance letter, proof of accommodation, and related visa application documents to the embassy or representative office of the exchange country in Taiwan to apply for a visa. Since the time required for visa issuance varies from country to country, for example, the Czech or Geman visa might take two months to process. Please note the timeliness and apply for the visa as soon as possible after receiving the admission letter. 

Q14: The admission letter provided by the Czech university does not include proof of accommodation, how do I apply for a visa?

A: Since the visa application procedure for the Czech Republic changed in 2011, the proof of accommodation will be sent directly to the Czech representative office in Taiwan. Students should proactively inform the Czech Representative Office staff when applying for a visa.

Q15: How to apply for proof of financial ability? Is it necessary for every student to prepare it?

A: Proof of financial ability can be obtained by applying for an English version of the deposit certificate from a bank or Post Office Saving Account. Proof of financial ability is only required if the exchange school has a special requirement. Since exchange students are self-funded, some universities may require proof of financial ability to ensure that students have sufficient financial capacity to live locally without having to work there. Although some universities do not require proof of financial ability, some countries require it when applying for a student visa. In addition, students who receive scholarships from Taiwan Tech can also request a scholarship award certificate from OIA as another form of financial support after have professor's approval for their outgoing study. Meanwhile, students who receiving Taiwan Scholarship are not allowed to study in other country than Taiwan.

Q16: Can the OIA assist with air ticket booking, visa application, and insurance matters?

A: The OIA CANNOT assist or be responsible for individual matters such as booking air tickets, applying for visas, and purchasing insurance for exchange students. If a student cannot obtain a visa due to personal reasons, the admission status will be considered canceled.

Course Selection and Credit Transfer

Q17: How can I know if the host university offers the courses I want to take?

A: Please check the host university's website for information or contact the coordinator of the sister university if you are unsure. Usually, during the application process for the sister school program, you need to pre-select courses and sign a Learning Agreement (LA) that included courses you are going to take in the host university.

Q18: Who should sign the Home University section of the Learning Agreement?

A: Program Coordinator at OIA can sign on behalf of sending university, but students need to sign the LA first. If the sister university need more than the program coordinator's signature, check with the sister university who’s signature they need.

Q19: Is there an upper or lower limit on the total number of credits that can be taken?

A: During the exchange period, you must take and pass at least three courses as an exchange student. If the sister university requires you to take more credits or complete a set of module courses, you must meet sister university's requirements. There is no upper limit on the number of credits you can take, but you must attend classes and cannot miss them at will. If you miss classes or behave improperly during the study period and affect the reputation of Taiwan Tech, the university has the right to cancel your exchange study and recover all the scholarships you received.

Q20: Can the courses taken at the host university be transferred as credits to my home university?

A: The transfer of credits is determined by your department in Taiwan Tech. If you want to know if a certain course can be transferred for credit, you should ask your department before departure, instead of requesting to transfer all credits after the exchange program ends.

Going abroad process

Q21: Are there any procedures that need to be done before going abroad from National Taiwan University of Science and Technology (NTUST/Taiwan Tech)?

A: Please follow the "Pre-departure Checklist for Studying Abroad in Europe, America, and Asia (or Mainland China)" provided by OIA and submit the required documents at least one month before departure. The "Study Abroad Procedures Form" must be stamped by relevant units and the original copy should be submitted to the Academic Affairs Office, while the copies and attachments should be submitted to the OIA. Only after receiving the form can the OIA provide the Academic Affairs Office and the Computer Center with the correct study abroad list for the current semester, and mark the student's status as a study abroad exchange student in the academic record to avoid affecting course selection and transcript records.

Q22: What are the consequences of not completing the study abroad procedures?

A: Failure to complete the study abroad procedures means giving up credit transfer and is adverse for receiving scholarships.

Q23: Can I go back to my home country first before I flight to the sister university for exchange study?

A: Yes. If your supervisor and department agree, you may do so. You also need to check whether the visa issued to you allow you to do so.

Returning to Campus Registration

Q24: Do students have to return to Taiwan after completing their exchange program?

A: Yes, students are required to return to Taiwan and complete the returning procedures after the end of the exchange program.

Q25: Can I briefly return to Taiwan or my home country during the exchange period, including during midterm breaks?

A: Yes, but students need to confirm the regulations for re-entering the exchange country before leaving. Exchange students are equivalent to regular students at the sister university. If a student wants to briefly leaving during the semester, they need to inform the sister university, complete the required leave application procedures, and inform Taiwan Tech OIA. The contact person's information can be found on OIA website.

Q26: Can I graduate directly after completing the exchange program?

A: Yes, but students still need to complete the returning procedures. The returning procedures and leaving procedures can be completed at the same time.

Q27: Does the student need to complete the returning procedures in person?

A: No need, students can ask a friend or family member to complete the procedures on their behalf as long as all the required documents (such as the returning registration form, experience report, and photos) are complete and all the necessary offices have stamped them.

Cancellation or Giving up Exchange

Q28: Can I cancel the exchange after passing the internal selection? Can I give up the exchange after passing the sister school review? How to apply?

A: Yes, you can. If you are unable to participate in the exchange program after passing the internal selection or the sister school review, you can fill out the "Exchange Cancellation Form" to formally give up being an exchange student. If you have already passed the sister university’s review, you need to inform the staff responsible for exchange students at Taiwan Tech and also write a letter to the sister university explaining the reasons for giving up the exchange. If there are any documents that need to be returned, they should be properly sent or delivered. Special reminder to students: handling exchange student business requires a lot of administrative resources and manpower from both Taiwan Tech and the sister university. Therefore, please think carefully before applying for an exchange program. Once approved, please do not give up unless absolutely necessary.

Q29: Will I be punished for canceling the exchange?

A: The consequences of canceling the exchange will be different depending on the timing. If you have been assigned to a desired university through the internal selection or have already been approved by the sister university, and then apply to give up the exchange, you will not be able to apply for another exchange program during your study period at Taiwan Tech.

Q30: Can I give up before being assigned to a desired school through the online application?

A: Yes, you can. Since you have not been assigned to a desired university and have not occupied an exchange student slot, you only need to notify the staff in charge of exchange students at OIA by email to give up the application. After that, you can still apply for an exchange program again.


Q31: Do I still need to register at Taiwan Tech during the exchange period?

A: Yes, you still need to maintain your student status at Taiwan Tech during the exchange period, but you don't need and can not enroll in courses. Students should submit the "Study Abroad Application" form according to the regulations of the Office of Academic Affairs one month before leaving the country and complete all necessary procedures to maintain their student status at Taiwan Tech. Please note that you should not apply for "leaving school procedures" before complete the exchange study.

Q32: Do I need to pay the Taiwan Tech tuition fee during the exchange period? Do I need to pay the sister school tuition fee?

A: On January 19, 2016, the 540th Administrative Meeting of Taiwan Tech passed a resolution that starting from the second semester of the 105 academic year, students who study abroad for a semester or a quarter must pay the full NTUST tuition fee but not the sister university tuition fee. International Student only need to pay same rate of tuition fee as local student for the exchanged semester.

Q33: Can the exchange period be shortened during the stay abroad?

A: No, exchange students should follow the time specified in the admission permit issued by the sister university to attend the study program and cannot shorten or extend the exchange period arbitrarily. If there is a need to return home early within the study period, students must inform the reason in advance by email and obtain written consent from both schools before they can do so.

Q34: Can I apply to extend the exchange period from one semester to one year after the current one-semester exchange period is completed?

A: No, the study period is limited to one semester and cannot be extended once students are nominated by OIA to sister university.

Q35: If the sister university's master's degree can be obtained within a year, can I study for the master's degree during the exchange period?

A: No, all exchange programs are non-degree programs, and students cannot request to obtain the sister school's master's degree.

Q36: Will the grades of courses taken during the exchange period be shown on my NTUST transcript?

A: Starting from the academic year 2022, only the exchange period, country, and university name will be shown in the remarks column of the transcript. Course names and grades will not be displayed unless students' application for course transfer was approvalled.