
亞洲 > 南韓



大韓民國 (南韓) Republic of Korea




++以下資訊供參考, 各校當期申請資格限制依各校網站公告為準++

++The information is for reference only. Applicants shall check partner university's website for detailed requirements ++


University Name




Number of Students

University of Seoul


  1. 大二以上大學生或碩士生 Sophomore or above and master students.
  2. 無英語低標限制。No requirement for English proficiency.
  3. 若申請韓國語授課課程,須具有TOPIK 3 (含)以上證書。 Applicants should acquire certificate of TOPIK 3 or above if attending courses taught in Korean.
  4. 學生除電子檔外,可能還須將紙本申請文件寄至該校。Except for digital files, hard copy of application materials might need to send by postal mail to the university.

  5. 申請簽證時繳交之證件(如在學證明、存款證明等)可能需繳交文件驗證費(約台幣1,500-23,000元不等),費用皆須由學生自付。Students might be asked to submit verified Certificate of Study and Bank Account Saving. All these verification fees (between NTD1,500-23,000) need to be paid by students themselves.

0 名


Korea University


  1. 大二以上大學部學生 Sophomore students and above (Bachelor degree students only)
  2. 學生除電子檔外,可能還須將紙本申請文件寄至該校。Except for digital files, hard copy of application materials might need to send by postal mail to the university.

  3. 申請簽證時繳交之證件(如在學證明、存款證明等)可能需繳交文件驗證費(約台幣1,500-23,000元不等),費用皆須由學生自付。Students might be asked to submit verified Certificate of Study and Bank Account Saving. All these verification fees (between NTD1,500-23,000) need to be paid by students themselves.

0 位


Korea University Business School (KUBS)


  1. 限管理學院研究生申請 Only graduate students from College of Management can apply.
  2. 英文須達托福iBT89、雅思6.5、多益800以上成績。Students must be fluent in English with Test scores either TOEFL 89, TOEIC 800 or IELTS 6.5 and above.
  3. 英語授課多開在研究所,但交換生不可選MBA、國際學院、醫學、護理、藥學、法律、教育、資安、藝術系所。students can take courses in multiple faculties as long as they meet the requirements (prerequisites) and have the professor's permission. (Only subjects under the category of "Graduate School" are available. MBA courses or Graduate School of International Studies are not available. Non-available subjects: Medicine, Nursing, Pharmacy, Law, Teacher Education, School of Cybersecurity, Art&Design). Please refer to our fact sheet as well.
  4. 學生除電子檔外,可能還須將紙本申請文件寄至該校。Except for digital files, hard copy of application materials might need to send by postal mail to the university.

  5. 申請簽證時繳交之證件(如在學證明、存款證明等)可能需繳交文件驗證費(約台幣1,500-23,000元不等),費用皆須由學生自付。Students might be asked to submit verified Certificate of Study, and Bank Saving Account. All these verification fees (between NTD1,500-23,000) need to be paid by students themselves.

1 位

Konkuk University


  1. 大二以上大學部學生 Sophomore students and above. (Bachelor degree students only).
  2. 無語言成績要求,但學生須具備聽懂英語或韓語授課課程之能力。 Konkuk does not require any test scores but students MUST be comfortable taking courses either in English and/or Korean.
  3. 可跨領域選課 Students can take courses in multiple faculties.
  4. 學生除電子檔外,可能還須將紙本申請文件寄至該校。Except for digital files, hard copy of application materials might need to send by postal mail to the university.

  5. 申請簽證時繳交之證件(如在學證明、存款證明等)可能需繳交文件驗證費(約台幣1,500-23,000元不等),費用皆須由學生自付。Students might be asked to submit verified Certificate of Study, and Bank Saving Account. All these verification fees (between NTD1,500-23,000) need to be paid by students themselves.

2 名

Sookmyung Women's University


  1. 大二以上大學生或碩士生 Sophomore and above, or master students.
  2. 申請者須具備英語成績,如托福 iBT 71分,不接受多益成績。Applicants should submit an English certificate of TOEFL iBT 71 and above. TOEIC scores is not acceptable.
  3. 若申請韓語授課課程,建議具有TOPIK 3 韓語能力
    TOPIK 3 is recommended to take the courses taught in Korean.
  4. 男女皆收。可跨領域選課。 Open to male and female applicants. Students can take courses in multiple faculties.
  5. 開課以大學部為主,僅少數課程開設在研究所,碩士生可下修。 There are few courses available in the master level. The graduate students need to take the courses from the Undergraduate level mostly.
  6. 學生除電子檔外,可能還須將紙本申請文件寄至該校。Except for digital files, hard copy of application materials might need to send by postal mail to the university.

  7. 申請簽證時繳交之證件(如在學證明、存款證明等)可能需繳交文件驗證費(約台幣1,500-23,000元不等),費用皆須由學生自付。Students might be asked to submit verified Certificate of Study, and Bank Saving Account. All these verification fees (between NTD1,500-23,000) need to be paid by students themselves.

1 名

Kookmin University


  1. 大二以上大學部學生申請,僅能申請至與主修相同之學系,不可跨系修課。 Sophomore students and above (Bachelor degree students only). Students cannot change their study field at host university.
  2. 不要求繳交英語成績,但學生應具備理解英語授課課程的能力(至少達托福57、多益550、雅思4.0)。 We do not ask for a test score, students should be able to take courses in Korean or English language (at least TOEFL iBT 57, TOEIC 550, or IELTS 4.0)
  3. 若申請韓語授課課程,需要具備TOPIK 4以上能力 Applicants should acquire TOPIK 4 or above ability of Korean if attending courses taught in Korean.
  4. 學生除電子檔外,可能還須將紙本申請文件寄至該校。Except for digital files, hard copy of application materials might need to send by postal mail to the university.

  5. 申請簽證時繳交之證件(如在學證明、存款證明等)可能需繳交文件驗證費(約台幣1,500-23,000元不等),費用皆須由學生自付。Students might be asked to submit verified Certificate of Study, and Bank Saving Account. All these verification fees (between NTD1,500-23,000) need to be paid by students themselves.

2 名

Seoul National University, College of Engineering


  1. 限本校工程學院或電資學院大二以上大學生及碩士生。 Limited to sophomore or above and master students from College of Engineering, and College of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science.
  2. 大學部GPA須達 2.68 (滿分4.3),研究所GPA須達 3.2 始可申請 Applicants must fulfill the GPA requirement: undergraduate 2.68 (in a 4.3 scale), graduate: 3.2 or above.  
  3. 申請者須具備英語檢定 托福iBT 88分、雅思6.0或多益800 以上之成績證明 。Applicants should submit an English certificate of TOEFL iBT 88, IELTS 6.0, or TOEIC 800 and above.
  4. 若申請韓國語授課課程,需具有TOPIK 5 韓國語能力
    TOPIK 5 is required to take the courses taught in Korean.
  5. 學生除電子檔外,可能還須將紙本申請文件寄至該校。Except for digital files, hard copy of application materials might need to send by postal mail to the university.

  6. 申請簽證時繳交之證件(如在學證明、存款證明等)可能需繳交文件驗證費(約台幣1,500-23,000元不等),費用皆須由學生自付。Students might be asked to submit verified Certificate of Study, and Bank Saving Account. All these verification fees (between NTD1,500-23,000) need to be paid by students themselves.

2 名

Chung-Ang University


  1. 大二以上大學部學生或碩士生 Sophomore or above and master students.
  2. 申請者須具備英語檢定TOEFL iBT 80、雅思5.5、多益785 或韓語TOPIK 4 以上之成績證明。
    Applicants should submit an English certificate of TOEFL iBT 80/ IELTS 5.5/TOEIC 785, or TOPIK 4 and above.
  3. 本校包含兩個校區,若交換至首爾校區,僅能選首爾校區的課程。Our university has two campuses in Seoul and Anseong, Korea. If a student chooses a major based in Seoul, they typically can only register for courses offered at our Seoul campus and vice versa.
  4. 學生除電子檔外,可能還須將紙本申請文件寄至該校。Except for digital files, hard copy of application materials might need to send by postal mail to the university.

  5. 申請簽證時繳交之證件(如在學證明、存款證明等)可能需繳交文件驗證費(約台幣1,500-23,000元不等),費用皆須由學生自付。Students might be asked to submit verified Certificate of Study, and Bank Saving Account. All these verification fees (between NTD1,500-23,000) need to be paid by students themselves.

2 名


Seoul National University of Science and Technology (Seoul Tech)


  1. 大二以上大學部學生。 Sophomore students and above. Undergraduate studends only.
  2. 英文須達TOEFL iBT 72、IELTS 5.5, 或 TOEIC 750 或 韓語TOPIK 3 (含)以上 。English test scores should reach at least TOEFL iBT 72、IELTS 5.5、TOEIC 750,or Korea Language TOPIK 3 to understand courses taught in English or Korean.
  3. 可跨領域選課。Students can take courses in multiple faculties.
  4. 學生除電子檔外,可能還須將紙本申請文件寄至該校。Except for digital files, hard copy of application materials might need to send by postal mail to the university.
  5. 申請簽證時繳交之證件(如在學證明、存款證明等)可能需繳交文件驗證費(約台幣1,500-23,000元不等),費用皆須由學生自付。Students might be asked to submit verified Certificate of Study, and Bank Saving Account. All these verification fees (between NTD1,500-23,000) need to be paid by students themselves.

2 名

Inha University


  1. 大二以上大學部或碩士生 Sophomore or above and master students.
  2. 申請者須具備英語檢定 IELTS 5.5分 / TOEFL ibT 80分/ / Duolingo English test 95分(含)以上之成績證明
    Applicants should submit an English certificate of IELTS 5.5/ TOEFL iBT 80/ Duolingo English Test 95 or above.
  3. 申請就讀韓國語言文化相關課程或系所者,需具備TOPIK 3以上成績; 申請韓國語言與文學相關系所者,需具備TOPIK 5 以上韓語能力。Korean Language Certificate requirement: students apply for undergraduate level at Korean Language & Culture (KLC)-TOPIK 3. Undergraduate level at Department of Korean Language and Literature-TOPIK 4 or above. Graduate level-TOPIK  5 or above.
  4. 學生除電子檔外,可能還須將紙本申請文件寄至該校。Except for digital files, hard copy of application materials might need to send by postal mail to the university.

  5. 申請簽證時繳交之證件(如在學證明、存款證明等)可能需繳交文件驗證費(約台幣1,500-23,000元不等),費用皆須由學生自付。Students might be asked to submit verified Certificate of Study, and Bank Saving Account. All these verification fees (between NTD1,500-23,000) need to be paid by students themselves.

2 名

Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST): Main Campus


  1. 大二以上大學部及碩士生,不包含管理學院學生。 Sophomore or above and master students excep for students from School of Management.
  2. 申請者須具備英語檢定 TOEFL iBT 80、IELTS 6.5,TOIEC 720分, 或TOPIK 3 (含)以上之成績證明。Applicants should submit an English certificate of TOEFL iBT 80, IELTS 6.5,TOIEC 720, or TOPIK 3 and above.

  3. 大學部50%選課應在本科系,其餘可跨系所選課。Students should take 50% of courses from their major and the rest could be taken from other departments.

  4. 學生除電子檔外,可能還須將紙本申請文件寄至該校。Except for digital files, hard copy of application materials might need to send by postal mail to the university.

  5. 申請簽證時繳交之證件(如在學證明、存款證明等)可能需繳交文件驗證費(約台幣1,500-23,000元不等),費用皆須由學生自付。Students might be asked to submit verified Certificate of Study, and Bank Saving Account. All these verification fees (between NTD1,500-23,000) need to be paid by students themselves.

  6. 另有實驗室研究機會(VSR),請洽該校網站: There is also "Visiting Student Researcher"(VSR) program, check more on the website: https://io.kaist.ac.kr/menu/io.do?mguid=D4CD2D0A-21E5-E511-940C-2C44FD7DF8B9

1 名

Hanyang University(ERICA Campus)


  1. 大二以上大學部學生。 Sophomore students and above (Bachelor degree students only).
  2. 須具備英檢 TOEFL iBT 72、IELTS 5.5、TOEIC 785、Duolingo 90 或 TOPIK Level 3 以上成績證明。 Applicants should submit an English certificate of IELTS 5.5 / TOEIC 785 / TOEFL iBT 72 / Duolingo 90 (equivalent  or above).
  3. 可跨領域選課。Students can take courses in multiple faculties
  4. 學生除電子檔外,可能還須將紙本申請文件寄至該校。Except for digital files, hard copy of application materials might need to send by postal mail to the university.

  5. 申請簽證時繳交之證件(如在學證明、存款證明等)可能需繳交文件驗證費(約台幣1,500-23,000元不等),費用皆須由學生自付。Students might be asked to submit verified Certificate of Study, and Bank Saving Account. All these verification fees (between NTD1,500-23,000) need to be paid by students themselves.

2 名

Sungkyunkwan University-
School of Civil, Architectural Engineering and Landscape Architecture


  1. 限本校營建系大二以上大學部學生。
    Limited for sophomore students or above (Bachelor degree students only) from the Department of Civil and Construction Engineering. 
  2. 申請者須具備英語檢定IELTS 6.0、TOEFL ibT 80、Duolingo 115  (含)以上之成績證明。Applicants should submit an English certificate of IELTS 6.0, TOEFL iBT 80, Duolingo 115  or above.
  3. 選修含與授課課程須具備TOPIK 3韓國語能力。TOPIK 3 is recommended to take the courses taught in Korean.
  4. 學生除電子檔外,可能還須將紙本申請文件寄至該校。Except for digital files, hard copy of application materials might need to send by postal mail to the university.
  5. 申請簽證時繳交之證件(如在學證明、存款證明等)可能需繳交文件驗證費(約台幣1,500-23,000元不等),費用皆須由學生自付。Students might be asked to submit verified Certificate of Study, and Bank Saving Account. All these verification fees (between NTD1,500-23,000) need to be paid by students themselves.

2 名

The Catholic University of Korea 


  1. 限大二以上大學部學生申請 Sophomore students and above (Bachelor degree students only)
  2. 建議選修英語授課課程者,具備托福60、雅思5.0、多益700 以上英檢能力證明。It is recommended that students’ proficiency is equal or above TOEFL iBT 60, IELTS 5.0 or TOEIC 700 for classes taught in English.
  3. 建議選修韓語授課課程者具備 TOPIK 檢定2級以上或400小時以上韓語修習經驗。400 hours of previous Korean language study experience or attaining 2nd grade on TOPIK is recommended for students who take classes taught in Korean.
  4. 臺科應外系可申請交換至該校英文系 Students from Applied Foreign Languages can apply to the English Department for exchange.
  5. 學生除電子檔外,可能還須將紙本申請文件寄至該校。Except for digital files, hard copy of application materials might need to send by postal mail to the university.

  6. 申請簽證時繳交之證件(如在學證明、存款證明等)可能需繳交文件驗證費(約台幣1,500-23,000元不等),費用皆須由學生自付。Students might be asked to submit verified Certificate of Study, and Bank Saving Account. All these verification fees (between NTD1,500-23,000) need to be paid by students themselves.

2 位

Yonsei University MIRAE Campus

College of Engineering


  1. 限大二以上大學部學生申請。
    Sophomore students or above in bachelor's degree only.
  2. 須達臺科GPA 2.6 (滿分4.3)。GPA should reach at lease 2.6 (under 4.3 scale).
  3. 申請者須具備英語檢定TOEFL iBT 61, IELTS 5.5 以上成績,不接受多益成績。
    Applicants should submit an English language certificate equivalent to TOEFL iBT 61 or IELTS 5.5  or above. TOEIC scores are not accepted.
  4. 選修韓語授課課程者需具有 TOPIK level 3 證書。For taking courses taught in Korean, TOPIK level 3 is needed.
  5. 學生除電子檔外,可能還須將紙本申請文件寄至該校。Except for digital files, hard copy of application materials might need to send by postal mail to the university.
  6. 申請簽證時繳交之證件(如在學證明、存款證明等)可能需繳交文件驗證費(約台幣1,500-23,000元不等),費用皆須由學生自付。Students might be asked to submit verified Certificate of Study, and Bank Saving Account. All these verification fees (between NTD1,500-23,000) need to be paid by students themselves.
1 名

Seoul National University, College of Fine Arts


  1. 大二以上大學生及研究生,請先確認研修主題是否與系所主修一致。 Sophomore students and above. Please make sure there is proper subject which fit your major in Taiwan Tech. 
  2. 大學部GPA須達2.7,或排名於百分之83;研究所GPA須達3.3,或排名於百分之89。
    Undergraduate: GPA 2.5/4.0 (equivalent to 2.7/4.3) or percentile rank 83.
    Graduate: GPA 3.0/4.0 (equivalent to 3.3/4.3) or percentile rank 89.
  3. 建議具備托福iBT 88、IELTS 6.0 以上或同等英檢能力證明。
    It is recommended that students’ English proficiency is equal to TOEFL iBT 88、IELTS 6.0 or above.
  4. 建議具備 TOPIK 檢定5級以上韓語能力。
    It is recommended that students’ Korean proficiency is equal to TOPIK 5 or above.
  5. 學生除電子檔外,可能還須將紙本申請文件寄至該校。Except for digital files, hard copy of application materials might need to send by postal mail to the university.
  6. 申請簽證時繳交之證件(如在學證明、存款證明等)可能需繳交文件驗證費(約台幣1,500-23,000元不等),費用皆須由學生自付。Students might be asked to submit verified Certificate of Study, and Bank Saving Account. All these verification fees (between NTD1,500-23,000) need to be paid by students themselves.

0 位


Chonnam National University


  1. 大二以上大學部學生或研究生。 Sophomore students and above.
  2. 應具備英語檢定相當於托福 iBT 70分,雅思5分,多益 700 以上之成績證明。Applicants need to have an English language certificate equivalent to TOEFL iBT 70, IELTS 5.0, TOEIC 700 or above.
  3. 學生除電子檔外,可能還須將紙本申請文件寄至該校。Except for digital files, hard copy of application materials might need to send by postal mail to the university.
  4. 申請簽證時繳交之證件(如在學證明、存款證明等)可能需繳交文件驗證費(約台幣1,500-23,000元不等),費用皆須由學生自付。Students might be asked to submit verified Certificate of Study, and Bank Saving Account. All these verification fees (between NTD1,500-23,000) need to be paid by students themselves.
5 名

Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology (GIST) 


1. 大三以上大學部及碩士生。可領域選課,但研究生課程多不開放交換生選修。 3rd year undergraduate students or above and master students. Students can take courses in multiple faculties, but there are many restrictions on the graduate courses. 

2. 須提供托福 iBT 72、雅思 5.5、或多益750以上成績。English proficiency equivalent to TOEFL iBT 72, IELTS 5.5 or TOEIC 750 and above.

3.學生除電子檔外,可能還須將紙本申請文件寄至該校。Except for digital files, hard copy of application materials might need to send by postal mail to the university.

4. 申請簽證時繳交之證件(如在學證明、存款證明等)可能需繳交文件驗證費(約台幣1,500-23,000元不等),費用皆須由學生自付。Students might be asked to submit verified Certificate of Study, and Bank Saving Account. All these verification fees (between NTD1,500-23,000) need to be paid by students themselves.

5. 該校另提供實驗室研習,可參考以下連結。There is "Global Intern Progam" for students who wish to forcus on research and work in a Lab. Check details as: https://ipa.gist.ac.kr/ipa/html/sub03/030101.html

2 名

