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General information

Organization of the semester

The academic year at Taiwanese universities has two semesters and usually starts in September.

  • Fall Semester: Beginning of September to Mid-December
  • Spring Semester: Beginning of February to Mid-June

The exact dates will be announced in the Academic Calender which is released towards the end of the spring semester. Due to the disruptions caused by the Corona pandemic, semester times may have to be adjusted at short notice. 

In 2021, the institutions of the National Taiwan System University Alliance, i.e. Taiwan Tech, National Taiwan University and National Taiwan Normal University, adopted the “16 + 2 weeks”- semester system to allow more flexibility for instructors and students. The 18-week semester may now be organized in two different ways:
a) The “16 + 2-week format”: The final exam will be scheduled in the 16th week, followed by two weeks of supplementary teaching/ learning, which may include: independent learning (including online learning), exploratory research, practical work and projects, remedial teaching, make-up exams and additional assessment, or other learning activities. The results may be graded and counted towards the semester grade or not.
b) The “18-week format”: The final exam will be scheduled in the 18th week, the last week ofthe semester. The course-design may include two weeks of flexible teaching or learning activities before the final exam or not.
The decision on which structure will be adopted is at the discretion of each instructor, and will be announced in the syllabus of the courses (cf. NTUST Course Catalogue)

The Academic Calendar defines two exam periods, the midterm exams, in the 9th week of the semester, and the final exams in the 16th or 18th week of the semester.

Coding for time table and buildings

Information on  the class rooms and class hours is given in codes like "TR 413; M1,2" etc.. Please refer to the following tables for the abbreviations used for class hours and class rooms.

Days of the week: M(onday), T(uesday), W(ednesday), R(Thurdsay), F(riday), S(aturday) U(Sunday)

Day time Night time 
Code 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10  A B C D
Time 07:10









Building codes, please refer to the campus map for location. 

T1 First Teaching Building 第一教學大樓 EE Electrical Engineering Building 電資館
T2 Second Teaching Building 第二教學大樓 MA Management Building 管理舘
T3 Third Teaching Building 第三教學大樓 IB International Building 國際大樓 
T4 Fourth Teaching Building 第四教學大樓 TR AAEON-Building 研揚大樓/教學研究大樓
RB Research Building 綜合研究大樓 LB Library 圖書館
E1 Engineering Building I 工程 AU Audio-Visual Center 視聽
E2 Engineering Building II 工程二舘 S Student Activity Center 學生活動中心









Credit and Grading System

At NTUST, each course is normally worth 3 credits and meets 3 hours per week over 18 weeks (one semester). 1 credit = 1 contact hour (50 minutes)  per week over 18 weeks

1 NTUST credit = 2 ECTS (For Reference Only)

1 NTUST credit = 1 credit hour (North American credit system) 

Taiwan Tech uses a letter grading system, the numerical equivalents are for reference only.

Grade Numerical
Score Description 
A+ 4.3 95 Superior
A 4.0 87 Excellent
A- 3.7 82 Excellent, but needs improvement 
B+ 3.3 78 Very good
B 3.0 75 Good
B- 2.7 71 Good, but needs improvement 
(Passing grade  for graduate students) 
C+ 2.3 68 Satisfactory
C 2.0 65 Satisfactory,  but needs improvement 
C- 1.7 61

Satisfactory with major flaws
(Passing grade for undergraduate students) 

D 1.0 55 Unsatisfactory, retaking recommended
E 0.0 49 Failure
X 0.0 0 Not graded due to unexcused absences or other reasons 
W     Withdrawn


















Course Selection

The course selection process has two phases, the preliminary online course selection and the add/drop period. The preliminary online course selection is scheduled approximately one month prior to the beginning of classes. The first two weeks of the semester are the so-called add/drop period, where students have the chance to add courses and drop those that do not seem suitable. By the end of the course add/drop period, students are required to confirm their course choices. Dropping courses after this period=  "Second Withdrawal" will result in a "W" mark on the transcript. For more details on the course selection, please click here.