NTUST Financial Aid is a one-time-payment which Taiwan Tech offers to international students(Excluding overseas Chinese students, students from China, and exchange students). The availability and the actual amount may differ from year to year, depending on the university's annual budget and on the number of applicants. Financial Aid is not means-based, i.e. all international students can apply except those who are already granted other forms of financial support from Taiwan Tech(including full scholarship, partial scholarship, and tuition waiver) or from the Taiwan government. The maximum amount you can expect is 20,000 NTD to be paid as a lump-sum towards the end of the semester.
Full-time undergraduate international students, who completed the previous semester (gaining no less than 6 credits) with a GPA higher than 3.0 and who did not receive demerits for behavior, are eligible to apply. Application is possible up to four times consecutively, beginning from the 2nd semester after enrollment at Taiwan Tech.
Full-time graduate international students, who completed their previous semester (gaining no less than 4 credits) with a GPA higher than 3.38 and who did not receive demerits for behavior, are eligible to apply. Master’s degree students may apply for NTUST Financial Aid once during their time of study, Ph.D. degree students may apply twice during their time of study.
Please note that NTUST Financial Aid does not include tuition fee waivers. The amount paid may differ from year to year, depending on the university's annual budget and on the number of applicants. The maximum amount you can expect is 20,000 NTD, but it may be considerably lower if there are many applications. NTUST Financial Aid comes as a one-time payment that will be deposited on your bank account.
The application period will be be announced once every semester by the OIA (usually in October and April). For detailed information, please check university announcements.
The OIA will check all applications if they meet requirements. After approval by the university, the payment will be deposited into the recipient's account. Usually, payments will be issued about one month after the deadline.
email: denisehuang@mail.ntust.edu.tw