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Health Services

Taiwan Tech runs an on-campus day clinic located on the first floor of the Gymnasium that offers free basic health care to all staff and students.

It  provide services like basic outpatient medical care, First Aid Care, Freshman Health Checkup, Health Education Consultation, Campus Infectious Disease Prevention, and Health Promotion Programs.

The clinic is open from Monday or Friday all year round, but  service times are reduced during the summer and winter vacation. If a student needs medical attention when the clinic is closed, contact the Dormitory Management Center (3rd Residence Hall, 1st Floor), which is staffed 24/7. The staff on duty will help the student obtain the needed medical services.


The Counseling Services Division (on the 2nd floor of the student activity center) provides services related to mental health for students and faculty members.

Services include individual counseling, small group training, psychological testing, and counseling of psychiatrists and lawyers.