
歐洲 > 德國


德意志聯邦共和國 Federal Republic of Germany




++以下資訊供參考, 各校當期申請資格限制依各校網站公告為準++

++The information is for reference only. Applicants shall check partner university's website for detailed requirements ++



University Name




Number of Students

Braunschweig University of Technology

(TU Braunschweig)

  1. 大二以上大學生或碩士生。可跨領域選課。
    Sophomore or above and master students can apply. Students can take courses in multiple faculties.
  2. 須有托福TOEFL iBT 72分以上、雅思IELTS 5.5以上、或多益TOEIC 785以上成績。
    Applicants shall submit a TOEFL score of IBT 72, IELTS 5.5 or TOEIC score of 785 or above.
  3. 若選擇德文授課課程須提供德檢B2證明。
    Need German language certificate B2 if German taught courses are chosen.
  4. 另提供實驗室研習機會,請參考 Lab Research is available, check the website for more information:https://www.tu-braunschweig.de/en/organisation/institutes/institute-from-a-to-z
4 名

University of Stuttgart

  1. 大二以上大學生及碩士生。可跨領域選課。
    Sophomore or above and master students. Students can take courses in multiple faculties.
  2. 須有托福TOEFL iBT 72分以上、雅思IELTS 5.5以上、或多益TOEIC 785 (聽力 400、閱讀385分)以上。Applicants should submit a TOEFL iBT 72, IELTS 5.5 or TOEIC 785 (Listening 400, Reading 385) or above.
2 名

Karlsruhe University of Applied Sciences 


  1. 大二以上大學生或碩士生。
    Sophomore or above and master students.
  2. 須有托福TOEFL iBT 79分以上、雅思IELTS 5.5以上、或多益TOEIC 750以上成績。
    Applicants should submit a TOEFL score of iBT 79, IELTS 5.5 or TOEIC score of 750 or above.
  3. 若選擇德文授課課程須提供德檢B2證明。
    German language certificate B2 is required if German taught courses are chosen.
  4. 可跨領域選課。Students can take courses in multiple faculties.
【HAWtech& TAItech】

Ulm University 

(University of Ulm)

  1. 大二以上大學生及碩士生。
    Sophomore or above and master students.
  2. 英文能力達 TOEFL iBT 88、IELTS 5.5、多益850以上。
    Applicants should provide an English certificate of TOEFL iBT 88, IELTS 5.5, or TOEIC 850 and above.
  3. 選修德文課程者,須達德語B2級或以上。Certificate of German language B2 or above is required if taking courses taught in German.
  4. 交換生可申請巴登符騰堡邦所提供之交換生獎學金,網址如下: Incoming exchange students can apply for a Baden-Württemberg scholarship, details:  https://reurl.cc/MyYQ83
4 名
RWTH Aachen University,
School of Business and Economics
  1. 限管理學院大三(含) 以上學生。80% 學分需選管院課程。
    3rd year bachelor student and above, limited to School of Management.  Students have to take 80 % at the faculty of Business and Economics
  2. 申請者須具備英語檢定 TOEFL87分、IELTS 5.5、多益790 (含聽275、讀275、說120、寫120以上) 含以上之成績證明。 
    Applicants should provide an English language certificate of TOEFL score of 87 / IELTS 5.5 / TOEIC 790 (listening 275, Reading 275, Speaking 120, Writing 120) or above.
  3. 若選擇德文授課課程須提供德檢B1證明。
    German language certificate B1 is required if German taught courses are chosen.
3 名
RWTH Aachen University,
Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology
  1. 限電資學院研究生 (Master or Ph.D) 赴對方電資學院。
    Opens to graduate students (Master or Ph.D.) of the College of Electrical Engineering & Computer Science.
  2. 申請者須具備英語檢定 TOEFL iBT 87、IELTS 5.5、多益790 (聽275、讀275、說120、寫120 )以上之成績證明。Applicants should provide an English language certificate of TOEFL iBT score of 87, IELTS 5.5, TOEIC 790 (Listening 275, Reading 275, Speaking 120, Writing 120) or above.
  3. 若選擇德文授課課程須提供德檢B1證明。
    German language certificate B1 is required if German taught courses are chosen.
  4. 交換生可選課或至實驗室研究,若至實驗室研究須自行找研究室。Exchange students can take courses or doing research in the Lab, but need to find the proper Lab by themselves.
2 名

Technische Hochschule Nürnberg Georg Simon Ohm (Nuremberg Institute of Technology, TH Nürnberg)


  1. 大二以上大學部學生或碩士生 
    Sophomore or above and master students.
  2. 大學部須有托福TOEFL iBT 80分以上、雅思IELTS 6.0以上、或多益TOEIC 850 以上成績,研究生應具備托福 iBT 100分以上成績。Undergraduate applicants should submit a TOEFL score of iBT 80, IELTS 6.0 or TOEIC score of 850 or above. Graduate students should submit a TOEFL score of iBT 100 or above.
  3. 選擇德文授課課程須提供德檢B2證明。
    German language certificate B2 is needed if German taught courses are chosen.
4 名

Niederrhein University of Applied Sciences

(Hochschule Niederrhein)

  1. 限大二以上大學部或碩士生申請。Sophomore or above and master students can apply.

  2. 僅織品系及企管系開設英語授課課程,其餘皆為德文授課。We offer Textile and Business studies in English and German, other courses are all in German. 

  3. 須有托福TOEFL iBT 72分以上、雅思IELTS5.5以上、或多益TOEIC785以上成績。Applicants should submit a TOEFL score of IBT 72, IELTS 5.5 or TOEIC score of 785 or above. 

  4. 選擇德文授課課程須提供德檢B2證明。German language certificate B2 is needed if German taught courses are chosen.

  5. 開放申請實驗室研究之系所如下,如需申請請洽該校國際處:https://www.hs-niederrhein.com/international/incomings/exchange-students/#c339643 --> Faculties (offer of our 10 faculties), availabilites on an internship need to be checked by the International Office, write an email please to above email if interested.

4 名
Kaiserslautern University of Applied Sciences
  1. 大二以上大學部或碩士生,不接受跨領域申請。 Sophomore or  above and master students. Students cannot change their study field at the host university.
  2. 該校提供英文學程供交換生選讀,同學須有相當於CEFR B2 程度英文成績 (約當於托福TOEFL iBT 72以上、雅思IELTS 5.5以上、或多益TOEIC 785 以上)。請先上網瞭解 Incoming Programmes 查詢 英語授課學程(Modules) Applicants shall submit a TOEFL score of IBT 72, IELTS 5.5 or TOEIC score of 785 or above (CEFR B2 level). Search for Modules under  Incoming Programmes to understand more. 
  3. 選修德文課程者須提供德檢B1證明。
    German language certificate B1 is needed if taking courese taught in German.
1 名

Aachen University of Applied Sciences

(FH Aachen)

1. 大二以上大學生及碩士生。  Sophomore or above and master students.

2.須有托福TOEFL iBT 83分、雅思IELTS 6.0、或多益TOEIC 863 以上成績。Applicants shall submit a TOEFL score of IBT 80, IELTS 6.0 or TOEIC score of 863 or above

3. 選擇德文授課課程須提供德檢B1證明。German language certificate B1 is needed if German taught courses are chosen. 

4. 不可跨系所選課。Students must stay within one faculty when choosing classes.

2 名

Technical University of Dortmund

(TU Dortmund)

  1. 限電資學院大二以上大學生及碩士生申請。
    Sophomore or above and master students undert College of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology can apply.
  2. 可跨領域選課。Students can take courses in multiple faculties.
  3. 語言能力各校自訂,但學生須具備聽懂授課內容之語言能力。The required language skills depend on the respective faculties/departments. The language skills (German and English) should be sufficient to follow the courses. 

2 名

Esslingen University of Applied Sciences
  1. 本校工程、電資、應用科技學院大二以上之大學部學生及碩士生。
    Sophomore or above and master students under College of Engineering, Informatics and Applied Sciences. 
  2. 須有托福TOEFL iBT 43分以上、雅思IELTS 4.0以上、或多益TOEIC 550 以上成績。
    Applicants shall submit a TOEFL score of iBT 43, IELTS 4.0 or TOEIC score of 550 or above. 
  3. 選修德文授課課程者,須提供德檢 B1 以上證明。
    German B1 (only if students select courses taught in German).
3 名

Technical University of Cologne
(Technische Hochschule Köln)

(TH Köln)

  1. 大二以上大學生及碩士生。不可跨領域選課。
    Sophomore or above and master students. Students can only take courses under the accepted department/faculty.
  2. 須有托福 iBT 87分以上、雅思 5.5 以上、或多益 785 以上成績。
    Applicants shall submit a TOEFL score of iBT 87, IELTS 5.5 or TOEIC score of 785 or above. 
  3. 選修德文授課者須提供德檢B2以上證明。German B2 only if student selects faculty taught in German.
  4. 住宿介紹及申請 Applicaiton for Housing: https://www.kstw.de/en/student-housing
1 名

Aschaffenburg University of Applied Sciences

(TH Aschaffenburg)

  1. 大二以上大學生及碩士生。  
    Sophomore or above and master students.
  2. 須有托福 iBT 72分以上、雅思 5.5 以上、或多益 785 以上成績。
    Applicants shall submit a TOEFL score of IBT 72, IELTS 5.5 or TOEIC score of 785 or above. 
  3. 可跨領域選課。Students can take courses in multiple faculties.
  4. 該校另提供實驗室交換機會,請參見 Lab Research is abailable. Check more at:https://www.th-ab.de/en/education/exchange-students/course-offer
5 名

Chemnitz University of Technology

(TU Chemnitz)

  1. 大二以上及碩士生。Sophomore or above and master students.
  2. 須有托福 iBT 65分以上、雅思 5.0以上、或多益 650以上成績。Applicants shall submit a TOEFL score of IBT 65, IELTS 5.0 or TOEIC score of 650 or above. 
  3. 選修德文授課者須提供德檢B1以上證明。
    German B1 only if students select programs taught in German.
  4. 可跨領域選課。Students can take courses in multiple faculties.
  5. 不提供實驗室研究。Lab Internship is not available.
5 名

Dresden University of Technology

(TU Dresden)

  1. 大二以上大學生及碩士生。
    Sophomore or above and master students.
  2. 選修英語課程須提出英檢如TOEFL iBT72, IELTS 5.5 或多益785以上證書。Applicants should submit Certificate as TOEFL iBT72, IELTS 5.5 or TOEIC 785 and above for taking coursed taught in English. 
  3. 選修德文課程者須提供德檢B1 (含)以上證明。Applicants should submit a German B1 certificate to take coursed taught in Germany.
2 名

RheinMain University of Applied Sciences

(Hochschule RheinMain)

  1. 大二以上大學生及研究生。
    Sophomore and above or masterstudents. 
  2. 須有托福TOEFL iBT 70 分,或雅思 IELTS 5.0,或多益750 以上成績。
    Applicants shall submit a TOEFL score of iBT 70, IELTS 5.0 or TOEIC 750 and above. 
  3. 選修德文授課者須提供德檢B1以上證明。
    German B1 only if a student selects program taught in German.
  4. 不可跨領域選課。Students need to focus in one major Faculties/School/Department. 
4 名

Ulm University of Applied Sciences

(Technische Hochschule Ulm)/(THU)

  1. 大二以上大學生及碩士生  
    Sophomore and above or master students. 
  2. 僅能交換至主修系所,且不可跨領域選課 Students cannot change study field at host university and cannot take courses in other department.
  3. 須有托福TOEFL iBT 72分以上、雅思IELTS 5.5以上,或多益TOEIC 785以上成績。Applicants shall submit a TOEFL score of iBT 72, IELTS 5.5 or TOEIC score of 785 or above. 
  4. 選修德文授課者須提供德檢B2以上證明。German B2 only if student selects program taught in German.
2 名
Pforzheim University
  1. 限管理學院或工程學院大二以上大學部或碩士生申請。Sophomore and above or master students. Open to School of Management or College of Engineering students only.
  2. 須有托福TOEFL iBT 85分以上、雅思IELTS 6.5以上、或多益TOEIC 830分以上成績。
    Applicants shall submit a TOEFL score of IBT 85, IELTS 6.5 or TOEIC score of 830 or above. 
  3. 選修德文授課者須提供德檢B2以上證明。
    German B2 only if student selects program taught in German.
  4. 除設計類課程外,若符合選課條件可跨領域選課。Except the courses at the School of Design any can be chosen on the basis of fullfilling the requirements
6 名

Technical University of Munich (TUM)

  1. 大二以上大學生及碩士生。可跨領域選課。
    Sophomore or above and master students. Students can take courses in multiple faculties.
  2. 須具備TOEFL iBT 72, IELTS 6.5 或 TOEIC 785以上成績。但申請管理學院須達B2程度。
    Applicants should submit English certificate at least TOEFL iBT 72,IELTS 6.5 or TOEIC 785. Exceptions is TUM School of Management, a level of at least B2 is requested.
  3. 選修德文授課者須具備至少B1德語能力。
    German proficiency at least B1 is required for courses taught in German.
4 名

Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences



  1. 大二以上大學生及碩士生,不接受跨領域申請 。
    Sophomore or above and master students. Students cannot change study field at host university.
  2. 須有兩年內取得之托福 iBT 87分、雅思 5.5分、多益785分或Durolingo 90分 (含) 以上成績。
    Applicants shall submit a certificate of TOEFL iBT 87, IELTS 5.5, TOEIC 785, or Durolingo 90 and above that received in 2 years.
  3. 選修德文授課者須提供德檢B2以上證明。選修大學部建築系課程者,須達A2以上德語能力。
    German B2 only if student selects program taught in German. A2 German level if choosing undergraduate Architecture courses.
2 名

Hamburg University of Technology


  1. 限電子、資訊、機械、化工、管理相關科系大二以上大學部學生或碩士生。不接受跨領域申請。 
    Sophomore or above and master students. Students cannot change study field at host university.
  2. 選修德文授課者須提供德檢B2以上證明。    
    Applicants should submit a German certificate of B2 or above if select program taught in German.
  3. 須有托福TOEFL iBT 79分以上、雅思IELTS 6.0以上。
    Applicants shall submit a TOEFL score of IBT 79, IELTS 6.0.
1 名
Brandenburg University of Technology Cottbus-Senftenberg


  1. 大二以上大學生及碩士生。 可跨領域選課。 
    Sophomore or above and master students. Students can take courses in multiple faculties.
  2. 須有托福TOEFL iBT 72分以上、雅思IELTS 5.5以上、或多益TOEIC 785分以上成績。
    Applicants shall submit a TOEFL score of IBT 72, IELTS 5.5 or above, TOEIC score of 785 or above. 
  3. 選修德文授課課程者,須具備德文能力B1或以上。  
    Applicants should submit a German certificate of B1 or above for courses taught in German.
3 名
Heilbronn University of Applied Sciences
  1. 限電資或管理學院大二以上大學生及碩士生,不可跨系所交換 。Sophomore and above or master students, under College of Management or Informatics.  Students cannot change study field at host university.

  2. 每年交換生名額:電資學院大學部1名、碩士班1名; 管理學院大學部1名、碩士班3名。 Exchange Student Quota for each year: 1 undergraduate and 1 master student for Informatics, 1 undergraduate and 3 master students for Management major. 

  3. 須有2年內取得之英檢成績,托福 TOEFL iBT 85、雅思IELTS 6.5,或多益TOEIC 850分以上。 Applicants shall submit an English Certificate received in 3 years, either TOEFL iBT 85, IELTS 6.5, or TOEIC 850 and above are acceptable.  

3-6 名
University of Bremen,
Faculty of Business Studies and Economics
  1. 大二以上管理學院大學部或碩士生,可跨領域選課。  
    Sophomore or above and master students from School of Management. Students can take courses in multiple faculties.
  2. 須有托福TOEFL iBT 90分、雅思IELTS 6.5或多益900分以上成績。
    Applicants shall submit a TOEFL score of iBT 90, IELTS 6.5 or TOEIC 900 or above.
  3. 選修德文課程須德文能力B2或以上。 
    Applicants should submit a German certificate of B2 or above if taking courses taught in German.
4 名

Biberach University of Applied Sciences


  1. 大二以上大學部及碩士生,可跨領域選課。  
    Sophomore or above and master students. Students can take courses in multiple faculties
  2. 須有托福TOEFL iBT 70以上、雅思IELTS 5.0以上成績,多益650以上成績。 
    Applicants shall submit a TOEFL score of iBT 70, IELTS 5.0  TOEIC 650 or above scores.
3 名

Technical University of Darmstadt

(TU Darmstadt)

  1. 大二以上大學生及碩士生。 Sophomore or above and master students.
  2. 須有IELTS 5.5、TOEFL iBT 72, TOEIC 785 以上成績。Applicants shall submit an IELTS 5.5, TOEFL iBT 72, TOEIC score of 785 or above. 
  3. 選讀德文課程者,須具備B2德語能力。Need German B2 to take courses taught in German.
  4. 建議具備德文程度A2。German language proficiency of A2 is recommended.
  5. 該校課程多有合併考試的狀況,2門課僅有一個考試成績,僅能列計1門專業課程。欲申請臺科交換生獎學金者,請務必多修一門課,成績單上須有至少3個及格分數始能申請全額獎學金。
  6. 化學系為實驗室研究窗口,欲申請請聯繫 Hans-Jürgen Bär' <h.baer@theo.chemie.tu-darmstadt.de>

Munich University of Applied Sciences (HM) 

(Hochschule München University of Applied Sciences)


  1. 大二以上大學生及碩士生。  
    Sophomore or above and master students.
  2. 須有托福TOEFL iBT 79分以上、雅思IELTS 5.5 或多益750 以上成績。建議具備基礎德語能力。
    Applicants shall submit a TOEFL score of IBT 79, IELTS 5.5, TOEIC 750 or above scores. We recommend a basic knowledge of German.
  3. 修讀德文授課課程須具備德檢B2能力
    Recommend to have German B2 level to take courses taught in German.
  4. 不保證宿舍床位,請即早申請。Please note that rooms in dorms are limited and not available to all incoming exchange students. 
2 名
Baden-Wuerttemberg Cooperative State University

(DHBW Mosbach)

  1. 限大二以上"大學部"商管或工程學院學生。只能選修該校國際套裝課程(12週,30學分)。
    Sophomore students or above(Undergraduate students only). Student can only take  International Program offered by DHBW. (12 Weeks, 30 credits)。 
  2. 須有英檢托福 iBT 87分、雅思 5.5、多益 785 以上成績。Applicants shall submit English proficiency test result, as TOEFL IBT 87, IELTS 5.5 or TOEIC score 785 or above.
  3. 國際套裝課程時間:1)商管類:1-4月,於Mosbach 校區上課,4-6月,於 Bad Mergentheim 校區上課。2)工程類:4-6月,於Mosbach 校區上課。International Program time and site: 1)Business(IPB) is from Jan. to Apr. on Mosbach Campus, or Apr. to Jun. on Bad Mergentheim Campus, 2) Engineering(IPE) is from Apr. to Jun. on Mosbach Campus. 
  4. 宿舍床位充裕,儘早申請可選較佳房型。 

Campus Mosbach: International Program in Business Spring 2025, Mosbach: no limit / International Program in Engineering Spring 2025, Mosbach: no limit / Campus Bad Mergentheim: German Language and Cultural Immersion Programm Spring 2025, Bad Mergentheim: 2 - 4 students / International Program in Business Spring 2025, Bad Mergentheim: 2 – 4 students

Hamburg University of Applied Sciences

(HAW Hamburg)

  1. 限工程、資訊、應科相關科系大二以上或研究所學生申請 Only students from Faculty of Engineering, Applied Sciences, Computer Science, and Business can apply. Sophomore or above and master students.
  2. 須有托福 iBT 80分、雅思 5.5, 多益800以上成績。Applicants shall submit a TOEFL score of IBT 80, IELTS 5.5, TOEIC 800 or above.
  3. 不可跨系所選課。
    Students must take courses within one faculty.
  4. 選修德文授課者須提供德檢B2以上證明。
    German B2 (only if student selects program taught in German).




【HAW Tech& TAI Tech】
Berlin University of Applied Sciences

(HTW Berlin)

  1. 大二以上大學生及碩士生不可跨系所選課。
    Sophomore or above and master studentsStudents must stay within one faculty when choosing classes.
  2. 僅有以下系所開放交換生就讀:建築(大學部)、電機(大學部及碩班)、能源與永續(大學部及碩班)、國際商學(大學部)、設計(大學部) Programs open for exchange students : Atchitecture (Bachelor), Electrical Engineering (Bachelor and Master), Energy and Sustainability (Bachelor and Master), International Business (Bachelor), and Design (Bachelor).
  3. 選修德文授課者須提供德檢B2以上證明。
    Submit German language certificate B2 if student selects courses taught in German.
  4. 選擇商管類英文授課課程者須達C1( TOEFL IBT 95/ IELTS 7.0 /TOEIC 945- 聽力 490分; 閱讀 455分)以上成績。建議有德文A1, 但不強制要求。
    For taking International Business:Need to submit C1 (TOEFL iBT 95/ IELTS 7.0 /TOEIC 945 with listening 490, reading 455) and above certificate of English. German A1 is recommended, but not necessary.
  5. 其他系所,須達B2(TOEFL score of IBT 72/ IELTS 5.0 /TOEIC 785- 聽力 400分; 閱讀 385分)以上成績。建議有德文A1, 但不強制要求。For other departments:B2 (TOEFL score of IBT 72/ IELTS 5.0 /TOEIC 785- listening 400; reading 385) or above is required. Recommend to have German A1, but not necessary.

【HAWtech & TAItech】

【HAW Tech & TAI Tech】
Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences


  1. 大二以上大學生及研究生。
    Sophomore or above.
  2. 具托福TOEFL iBT 72分以上、雅思IELTS 5.5、多益785以上成績。部分課程要求較高之英檢成績,請留意。  Applicants shall submit a TOEFL score of IBT 72, IELTS 5.5, TOEIC 785 or above. Please note: some courses require higher scores.
  3. 選修德文授課者須提供德檢B2以上證明。
    German B2 (only if student selects courses taught in German).

【HAW Tech & TAI Tech】
University of Applied Sciences Dresden

(HTW Dresden)

  1. 大二以上大學生及碩士生。可跨領域選課。
    Sophomore or above and master students. Students can take courses in multiple faculties.
  2. 任何英檢皆可。程度約相當於托福 iBT 72 / 雅思 5.5 /多益 785/全民英檢中高級(含)以上成績。All tests are recognized.  Applicants should submit language certificate equivalent to TOEFL iBT 72, IELTS 5.5, TOEIC 785 or above.
  3. 選修德文課程者須具備德語B1程度。German B1 is needed when taking courses taught in German.
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Technische Universität Berlin

(TU Berlin)

1. 大二以上大學部或碩士生可申請,營建系學生優先。 Sophomore and above, or master students can apply. Students from the Civil and Construction Engineering Department has privilege.

2. 英文須達TOEFL 87/ TOEIC 650/ IELTS 5.5 或以上。English certificate of TOEFL 87/ TOEIC 650/ IELTS 5.5 or above is required.

3. 可跨領域選課。May take course in multipul departments/faculties.

4. 選修德文授課課程者,需具備德檢B2以上成績。German Language Certificate of B2 or above is required if taking courses taught in German.

5. 不提供實驗室研究。Lab Research Internship is not available.  

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