
歐洲 > 義大利


義大利共和國 Italian Republic




++以下資訊供參考, 各校當期申請資格限制依各校網站公告為準++

++The information is for reference only. Applicants shall check partner university's website for detailed requirements ++



University Name




Number of Students


Polytechnic University of Milan

(Politecnico di Milano)




  1. 營建、建築、機械、電機、資工系之大學部或研究生可申請。 Undergraduate and graduate students from Architecture, Civil Engineering and Design can apply. School of Management open to graduate students only.
  2. 英文授課需具備相當於托福iBT 72、雅思5.5、多益785(含)以上成績。義大利語授課課程須具備B1成績。Exchange student taking course taught in English should have TOEFL iBT 72, IELTS 5.5, TOEIC 785 or above scores.  Level B1 in Italian (for courses in Italian).
  3. 不可跨領域選課。Students can only take courses under assigned Faculties/School/Department



建築 1名

營建 2名

機械 2名

電機或資工 2 名


University of Parma



  1. 限機械工程系及高速3D列印研究中心大二以上大學生及研究生申請。
    Limited to sophomore students or above of Department of Mechanical Engineering and High Speed 3D printing center.
  2. 申請者須具備英語檢定成績同等CEFR歐洲語言能力共同參考指標B1(含)以上證明,或義大利文檢定成績同等CEFR歐洲語言能力共同參考指標A2(含)以上證明。
    Applicants shall submit an English language certificate equivalent to CEFR B1 level or above; or an Italian language certificate equivalent to CEFR A2 level or above.
  3. 申請者請逕洽機械工程系或高速3D列印研究中心。
    Please reach Department of Mechanical Engineering or High Speed 3D printing center for applications.
2 名