
歐洲 > 芬蘭


芬蘭共和國 Republic of Finland




++以下資訊供參考, 各校當期申請資格限制依各校網站公告為準++

++The information is for reference only. Applicants shall check partner university's website for detailed requirements ++



University Name




Number of Students

Aalto University


  1. 大二以上大學生及碩士生。(強烈建議大三以上學生申請,英語授課課程多開設在研究所)
    Limited to sophomore and above or master students. (strongly recommends at least two to three years of Bachelor’s studies before arrival. Most courses taught in English are offered in master level.)
  2. 須有托福TOEFL iBT 72分以上 / 雅思IELTS 5.5以上 / 多益785分以上英文成績。
    Applicants shall submit an English language certificate of TOEFL iBT 72, IELTS 5.5, TOEIC 785 or above.
  3. 開放該校四學院供申請, 如下:
    Only the following 4 schools are available to apply:
    (1) School of Chemical Technology
    (2) School of Electrical Engineering
    (3) School of Engineering
    (4) School of Science
  4. 交換生2/3課程須選自交換系所,其餘的1/3課程,若滿足選修條件,可跨領域自其他科技相關學系中選修。
    At least 2/3 of the courses should be selected from one school. The remaining 1/3 can be taken from other Schools of Technology in Aalto University, as long as the prerequisites are met.
  5. 交換生不可選修設計、藝術、建築以及商學院之課程,除非該課程本來就是為跨院、跨系或校際課程而開設。
    Exchange students are not allowed to take courses from the School of Arts, Design and Architecture or the School of Business, except for cross-school courses, university wide studies and interdisciplinary studies.
5 名

Tampere University


  1. 大二以上大學生及研究生。
    Limited to sophomore students or above.
  2. 申請者須具備英語檢定 TOEFL 92分(聽說讀寫各不得低於20分), IELTS 6.5  (聽說讀寫各不得低於5.5)以上之成績證明。
    Applicants shall submit an English language certificate of  TOEFL iBT 92(Each score must be above 20), IELTS 6.5 (Each score must be above 5.5)or above.
  3. 不接受多益成績。
    TOEIC grade is not acceptable.
  4. 可跨領域修習。
    Students can take courses in multiple faculties.
3 名