
美洲 > 美國


美利堅合眾國 United States of America




++以下資訊供參考, 各校當期申請資格限制依各校網站公告為準++

++The information is for reference only. Applicants shall check partner university's website for detailed requirements ++



University Name




Number of Students

California State Polytechnic University Pomona (Cal Poly Pomona)
  1. 限大二以上大學部學生 
    Sophomore or above, undergraduate students only.
  2. 免繳姐妹校學費。No need to pay tuition of Cal Poly Pomana.
  3. 在美生活期間之生活費、住宿、書籍、保險等各項支出可參考該校網頁。Living fee, dormitory, and health insurance fee  can be found on Pomona's website.
  4. 須提供TOEFL iBT 71 以上證書。不接受多益成績。
    Applicants are required to provide a certificate of TOEFL iBT of 71 or above. TOEIC is not acceptable.
  5. 以上條件可能依姐妹校之回覆有所變更。Above requirement are mean to be change due to Cal Poly’s feedback.

2 名

Temple University
  1. 大二以上大學生及碩士生。天普有權決定是否接受交換生。 Sophomore or above. Departments of Temple University have final decision for exchange application. 
  2. 須檢附TOEFL iBT 79、IELTS 6.0 、Duolingo 110 或多益780 分(聽、讀單項分數不得低於390分) (含)以上成績。  Applicants are required to provide a certificate of TOEFL iBT 79, IELTS 6.0, Duolingo 110, or TOEIC 780 (each listening and reading can not be lower than 390) or above. 
  3. 若申請至商學院、文學院或傳播學院,TOEFL iBT 需達 95分以上。Students who would like to apply for the Department of Business, English literature or communication are required to provide a certificate of TOEFL iBT of 95 or above.
  4. 建築、電腦與資訊、視覺藝術、教育等科系不開放交換。商學院限本科系。Restricted Departments for Exchange : Architecture, Computer and Informatics, Performing Arts, Visual Arts, Education, Professional Schools (Dentistry, Law, Medicine, Pharmacy, Podiatry), Sport, Tourism and Hospitality Management. Business school only accept students with the same major.

2 名

Iowa State University
  1. 大二以上大學生及研究生, 限電資學院及工程學院學生申請Sophomore or above, limited to students of College of Electrical Engineering & Computer Science and College of Engineering
  2. 大學部 Undergraduate level: TOEFL iBT 71分以上, TOEFL Paper-based 530分以上
  3. 研究所 Graduate level: TOEFL iBT 79分以上, TOEFL Paper-based 550分以上

0 名

Kansas State University
  1. 大二以上大學生及研究生Sophomore or above
  2. 申請人需提出TOEFL或IELTS成績, 惟各系所要求之英文成績各異, 申請人須自行上網查詢
    Applicants shall have a TOEFL test or IELTS test. Please check the website of Kansas State University for lauguage requirements.

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