
亞洲 > 香港



香港 Hong Kong




++以下資訊供參考, 各校當期申請資格限制依各校網站公告為準++

++The information is for reference only. Applicants shall check partner university's website for detailed requirements ++


University Name




Number of Students

Hong Kong Baptist University


  1. 限管理學院大二以上大學部學生申請。可跨領域選課。
    Limited to sophomore or above in bachelor's degree from College of Management. Students can take courses in multiple faculties.
  2. 採全英語授課, 申請人須檢附英語檢定TOEFL iBT 79 分、IELTS 6.0 ,或 多益800 以上之成績。Courses are all taught in English. Applicants should submit the certificate of TOEFL iBT 79, IELTS 6.0, TOEIC 800 or above.
4 名

Hong Kong Polytechnic University


  1. 電資學院在校大二(含)以上大學部學生。
    Limited to sophomore or above in bachelor's degree from College of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science.
  2. 採全英語授課, 申請人須檢附英語檢定托福 iBT 80分或雅思 6.0 (含) 以上之成績,不接受多益成績。
    Courses are all taught in English. Applicants should submit the certificate of TOEFL iBT 80 / IELTS 6.0 or above. TOEIC score will not be acceptable.
  3. 可跨領域選課。Students can take courses in multiple faculties
2 名


City University of Hong Kong



  1. 限工程學院大二(含)以上大學部學生申請。Sophomore students or above in bachelor's degree from College of Engineering. 
  2. 必修工程學院課程9學分,其餘3-9學分可跨修其他學院及領域,惟須經交換學系同意。Students are required to take at least 9 credits courses under college of Engineering. For the remaining 3 - 9 credit units, students can take cross-College/School/Department courses (subject to approval by the course offering department).
  3. 英語檢定成績須達托福 iBT 79分或雅思6.5分以上,不接受多益成績。Applicants should submit English Certificate of TOEFL iBT 79 or IELTS 6.5 and above. TOEIC is not acceptable.
2 名