
歐洲 > 瑞士


瑞士 Switzerland




++以下資訊供參考, 各校當期申請資格限制依各校網站公告為準++

++The information is for reference only. Applicants shall check partner university's website for detailed requirements ++



University Name




Number of Students

Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts,
School of Engineering and Architecture

  1. 本校工程學院、電資學院及建築系大三、大四及碩二學生。
    Limited to students of School of Engineering, School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science and Department of Architecture. Open to junior/ senior students and students at second year of graduate level.
  2. 申請者須具備英語檢定 TOEFL65分(含)以上 或 IELTS 5.0(含)以上,不接受多益成績。
    Applicants should provide an English language certificate of TOEFL iBT 65, IELTS 5.0 or above. TOEIC score will not be acceptable.
2 名
Bern University of Applied Sciences,
School of Business

  1. 限管理學院大二以上大學生及碩士生。
    Sophomore students and above or master students from School of Management.
  2. 限赴姐妹校 Faculty of Business 大學部交換。
    Open to exchange to Faculty of Business in undergraduate level at host university.
  3. 申請者須具備英語檢定 TOEFL72分(含)以上 或 IELTS 5.5(含)以上之成績證明。
    Applicants should provide an English language certificate of TOEFL iBT 72, IELTS 5.5 or above.
2 名
University of Applied Sciences and Arts of Southern Switzerland (SUPSI),
Department of Innovative Technologies

1. 限電資學院、工程學院、應科所大二以上大學生或研究生。Limited to College of Engineering, College of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Graduate Institute of Applied Science and Technology, open to the second year undergraduate or graduate students.
2. 申請者須具備英語檢定 TOEFL iBT 72分(含)以上 或 IELTS 5.5(含)以上 之成績證明。Applicants should provide an English language certificate of TOEFL iBT 72, IELTS 5.5 or above to take the English taught courses.
3. 選修德語或義大利語授課課程,須提供該語言檢定B2(或以上)證書。
B2 German or Italian language certificate are required if takes the course taugth in the language.

2 名

Eastern Switzerland University of Applied Sciences-Schools of Technology and Computer Science,

  1. 限工程學院、電資學院,交換至Schools of Technology and Computer Science。For College of Engineering and College of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science only. Students can only exchange to the School of Technology and Computer Science.
  2. 英文須達托福79,雅思6.0或以上,不接受多益成績。TOEFL iBT 79; IELTS 6.0 and above, TOEIC is not acceptable.

2 名